Extras 8.2

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Teacher Gong immediately experienced a sense of suffocation at how the conversation spiraled out of control.  However, the girl in front of him was obviously getting more and more excited, and even the black-rimmed glasses couldn’t hide the excitement in her eyes.

“…I don’t pay attention to the female students in class,” he said. He denied her random guesses in one sentence.

“Oh, I understand.” Fang Qiuye nodded and took note of it. “She’s so sloppy that it grabs your attention.”


“Teacher, what other characteristics does she have? We just talked about her appearance. What about her personality and habits? What about her preferences?”

Fang Qiuye raised her head again with a smile. Gong Xuechang adjusted his turbulent breathing before regaining his original voice.

“She stays up all night. Maybe it was to rush for her update,” he said. “In addition… Although it has nothing to do with her own job, she is still studying English hard, and she loves and strives to pursue the beauty of different languages.”

After speaking in one breath, he put the water glass on the table. There was also a kind of deep and restrained light in his dark eyes as he looked at the girl in front of him. Fang Qiuye jotted down two words. Sure enough, she raised her face again in shock.

“Huh?” she looked at him in surprise. “Teacher Gong, you actually referenced me!”

Gong Xuechang’s eyes were looking straight at her. “Yes, it’s you.”

“…Ah! Did you make changes to the heroine?” Fang Qiuye immediately clenched her fist and knocked on her forehead. “I’m so stupid! Why didn’t I think of this idea!? Right, I can totally write about a heroine who is a writer by profession! My God, teacher Gong, you solved my big problem!”

Gong Xuechang had difficulty breathing for a moment again. He always felt that something was not right.

“Teacher Gong, the new book that I’ve been stuck on has finally come to light! Thank you! I’ll pay for this meal. You’re welcome!” she exclaimed. “I’ll go back now and write this down, so I don’t forget! Bye, teacher!”

Fang Qiuye put the small notebook in her bag and quickly stood up.

Gong Xuechang: “…See you again…?”

How difficult it was to chase a girl.

Teacher Gong, who had an excellent family environment, first-class academic performance and excellent appearance, had never felt any difficulty since he was a child. He got enlightened late in this regard and never liked any girl, but since elementary school, he had received all kinds of love letters without a pause.

But now, he found out how difficult it was! Especially for some girls, the difficulty of chasing was comparable to translating a masterpiece.

After being told to watch the live broadcast, he even discovered the truth. This girl only treated him like a teacher… with respect. Not only did she invite him to meals, but after the live broadcast ended successfully, she would even invite him out to give him a big gift bag.

“I’m sorry, teacher Gong, I wasted a lot of your time because of my personal affairs,” she said. “Except for when I sleep, I really don’t have much time…

“I’ve been thinking about it, and I don’t know how to compensate you. Every time we eat, you would rush to pay, so I can only use my meager income to buy you some gifts.”

Gong Xuechang did not expect that he would receive an exquisite gift box.

“It’s not a very precious thing, but I think you might be able to use it,” she said.

Gong Xuechang opened it and saw a neatly placed keyboard.

“Last time you said that you often have to write papers and do translation,” she said. “It’s more tiring to type in English than in Chinese, right? So, I bought my favorite, most comfortable keyboard for you.”

Gong Xuechang listened to the last sentence and couldn’t help but feel a little enchanted.

“What about you? Are the royalties enough to live on?”

For someone who would wear their shoes until they turned yellowish, and someone who was lazy, she was probably on a tight budget.

Fang Qiuye laughed. “Don’t worry, my monthly fee has gone up!” she beamed.

“Congratulations. That means learning English is also useful,” he replied.


“Although the sources of words and grammar are different, the language is the same. Learning the English word choice and sentence construction would also promote your Chinese proficiency.”

“Ah, it does? Then, I have to thank you even more.”

“No worries. It’s more important to keep learning and not to slack off.”

“Yes…” Fang Qiuye responded, blushing a little too. “Actually, I also have a request, teacher Gong… Can you continue to teach me? You know, Yaoyao wants to study further.”

Gong Xuechang was stunned for a moment. The corners of his mouth were slightly curved, but he quickly nodded seriously. “Yes. But how about changing to tutoring at home? We can save each other’s time. It will be 100% serious and more efficient.”

“Home tutoring…?”

“Yup, I’ve taken a look at it. Your home is very close to the school. I can come directly and bring takeaway on the way. This will save time the most,” he said. Gong Xuechang looked at the girl’s small notebook. “For now, you and I have to go to a restaurant. After the meal, I have to send you home and go home myself.”

Fang Qiuye blinked. “It makes sense. If we change it to home tutoring, only you have to come to my house, you don’t have to send me home, and it also saves you the time to go to the restaurant… Eh, but aren’t I taking advantage of you too much, teacher?”

“You pay for the takeaway.” Gong Xuechang spoke without hesitation.

Fang Qiuye smiled and said, “That works! By the way, let’s not get takeout. I’ve been less stressed recently. I can go grocery shopping in the morning, and I’ll cook at noon. I can’t let my teacher eat takeout every day. Would you like fatty liver? I can also cook a larger portion, and you can pack your dinner as well.”

Gong Xuechang squinted his eyes. “Sure,” he said. “When you cook, you can practice listening, and I’ll explain some grammar points to you.”

Fang Qiuye’s eyes widened. “Huh? That makes sense! Then I’ll go grocery shopping tomorrow!”


Teacher Gong had a mysterious smile on his face. At the very least, their relationship had transitioned to him entering her home, eating three meals together, working together in the kitchen, and having a bento prepared for him…

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