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"The four of us had so many plans

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"The four of us had so many plans. But now it is just us three. And at night it is just... the miserable me."


It was a calm afternoon. It just had rained, the air damp and cool. The earth smelled sweet in his nose.

He smiled. He had been smiling all afternoon. He smiled even wider, taking in the reality in front of him. He couldn't believe his eyes sometimes. This house was finally complete. It was done and very tangible at his fingertips.

He continued inspecting the private garden at the back. This was a sanctuary specifically for their escape.

The sound of pebbles underneath his leather shoes teased his ears. The stream surrounding the house ran calmly under the afternoon sunlight. It was so quiet that a leaf falling on the serene surface of the water could be heard.

He stood at the back of the house, facing the windows that soaked up the golden skies. Clutching the red ribbon in his hands, he drew a deep breath. He clutched and clutched, feeling the edges piercing his skin.

P'Payu would be proud. He damn should.

To his left was a swing enough only for two. A swing where the both of them could sit at the end of the day. They would sip coffee, eat some sweets. Then maybe, kiss under the tree when the mood hits.

Rain shook his head. P'Payu was always in the mood.

He inhaled deeply, lips curling upwards as he balled his fists. He couldn't wait to see his man's reaction.

Closing his eyes, the ever hint of voices, reminder that he was not alone reached his ears.

The guests were at the front of the house, celebrating this milestone in his life. Colleagues from work. Acquaintances. Family and close friends. They took the time to drive into this area at the outskirts of the city. They brought house warming gifts. They hugged him one by one and gave him heart warming smiles. They watched Rain cut the damn ribbon in his hand.

He should be happy.


Rain threw a glance at the swing ever slightly moving with the wind. He stared hard at the wood and at the rope. He stared so hard until the object of his gaze blurred. He could almost not recognize them.

He swallowed hard. He had no choice but to accept it.

Accept that he was not happy. Not in the slightest.

He fought to maintain the smile on his lips. Resisted the burning in his eyes.

The house was complete, he should be happy. He had to be.

Yet here he was. Clowning himself. He had been for the past five years.

All he could feel was a hallow in his chest. And the more he stood there taking in the new house, the sinking feeling was just growing enormous. So wide, so deep, there was no energy left in him to fight back.

STORM CHASING [Love in the Air | PayuxRain]Where stories live. Discover now