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"Are you sure this is okay?" Sky asked, parking himself against the table Rain had pushed far into the wall for more space

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"Are you sure this is okay?" Sky asked, parking himself against the table Rain had pushed far into the wall for more space. "I can come with you next month. I just need to finish the projects I have this month..."

Rain shook his head, silently pressing into his backpack. He'd chosen only his basic shirts and pants, a few underwear and first aid kits in case he collapsed somewhere.

"Rain, I'm serious," Sky called again, this time a hint of impatience in his voice. "This is too sudden."

Rain looked up from his bursting bag pack. "It's not sudden. I should have done this a long time ago."

Sky crossed his arms, weighing his words. "Rain, if rescuers couldn't find him, there is an even lower chance you will. It's been five years. You're not experienced in the area what if you end up getting lost or worse, injured?"

"Then I die there!" Rain snapped.

Sky's mouth fell half open. The man pursed his lips and looked away. Away towards the open window and the pitch blackness outside.

Rain knew this was dumb. Professional rescuers couldn't find a trace. Even with the help of P'Pakin and P'Chai's men, P'Payu remained missing. Rain knew he was the dumbest of them all but he couldn't help it.

He bowed his head, slumping where he was seated close to his bag pack. "I'm sorry Sky..."

The other man sighed and uncrossed his arms as he slowly marched the short distance to his best friend.

Sky picked up a small towel and rolled it neatly. He gently pulled Rain's hand, placing the rolled towel on Rain's palm.

"Believe me, I understand what you feel," Sky began, searching into Rain's red rimmed eyes. "But I am worried about you too," Sky continued. "Do you think I could handle it again if I lose another friend? My best friend for that matter?"


"I want to come with you."

Rain closed his fingers into the towel, shaking his head. "You can't. You have your job and you can't leave P'Pai behind."

"That's why I am telling you wait for me. I'll settle things first then I will go with you."

Rain pulled the front zipper of his bag and stuck the towel along with his toiletries. When he was done, he looked up at Sky's worried eyes.

"If I wait a second longer in this house Sky, I will go crazy," Rain whispered, smiling sadly. "I really will."


"I joined the search party for 3 months tirelessly when P'Payu went missing, you know that. Then I ran from reality and lost myself in creating this house. Now that this house is done... Sky I've no purpose anymore."


"Even if there is no chance me going out there—  searching for him will be of any use—  I just really need to be close to him. Or at least close to where he last had been."

STORM CHASING [Love in the Air | PayuxRain]Where stories live. Discover now