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"...are you awake?"

Payu chased the voice in the calm void he was floating in. It was in front of him. It was behind him.

"Can you hear me?"

The voice was everywhere and yet nowhere.

"I guess you won't be pretending to be asleep just like I did before."

The voice would go in and out. Sometimes clear and sometimes garbled.

It was not the first time he'd had a dream like this. Contrary to those dreams though, this one was something he actually understood.

In previous dreams, there were words, laughter, water, and the sound of wind zooming by. Tons of it filling his ears, trying to get in his brain but couldn't. It felt like an avalanche trying to run him over.

It was uncomfortable. Intrusive.

This one was different. The voice made him want to continue dreaming, listening.

"How does one stay as good looking as you while sleeping? Unfair."

The voice vanished. For a while Payu thought the dream was over.

"People always asked me how an average, clumsy, and slow guy like me managed to get you." There was a soft laugh that followed. "I honestly think I look okay. But next to you I can see why people gawked at us."

The dark void became silent again. A gentle breeze brushed by his eye and cheek. It was warm and reminiscent of candies and chocolates.

"You always told me I'm cute and pretty and that I am doing great. You were tough on me and sweet at the same time. You helped me focus and achieve my goals. So when you disappeared..."

The voice became garbled again. Payu strained to hear the words.

"I miss your encouragements, Phi. I miss how you praise me."


"They give me strength. A lot of it."

Rustles of fabric, wispy touches on his forehead, they were comforting.

"All I want is for you to be healthy, happy, and whole again. And that somehow when this is over, I can still be a part of your happiness."

Payu frowned in the void that was enclosing him.

"Please choose me, Phi. Hmm?"


"I know I said I will respect your decision. But I still want to stand beside you again like I did before."


"You know that time, when I was all yours. And you were all mine..."

Payu opened his eyes, the dim ceiling greeted him. He blinked a few times and turned to the side, seeing the cases of the toy car collection on display.

STORM CHASING [Love in the Air | PayuxRain]Where stories live. Discover now