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Freddie and I load the last of our suitcases onto the conveyer belt, sweating from the sheer weight each one holds. As it happens, packing light when you're travelling with a newborn is fucking impossible. I've barely squeezed mine and Freddie's items into one bag with Charlotte's things taking up an entire suitcase. She's currently strapped to Freddie, head butting him in the chest. She's happily sucking on her dummy and I have about ten spares in my bag, just in case. Freddie and I were up most of last night Googling ways to make flying with babies easier. In the end, the only piece of advice we took was to take spares of everything.

"Ready?" I ask, taking hold of his hand.

Immediately, I notice he's shaking.

"Whats wrong?"

He stares ahead, looking towards the large screens displaying various flight times.



Charlotte gargles and he doesn't notice, which is unusual for him.


Nic flies into him from behind, inundated with excitement.

"Paris, baby!"

Freddie attempts a smile, though it comes across borderline painful. Luckily, she doesn't notice and asks for us to wait for her while she checks her bag in. James and Sloan are already in Paris, having left on a earlier flight. Nan and Helen are waiting for us in the airport lounge, no doubt knocking back the complimentary champagne.

"How long is our flight?" asks Freddie, losing all the colour from his cheeks.

"About an hour. Why?"

I swear he's about to vomit.

"I'm scared," he whispers, playing with Charlotte's ears. "I've never flown before."

"That's okay," I soothe. "Anything for the first time can seem scary. But you're safe."

"Will it shake?" he asks.

I nod. "A little during take off. But after that, it's smooth all the way."

He nods, resembling a frightened puppy. I squeeze his fingers and press my body closer to his, letting him know I'm here for him. I don't want to go on and on about it because I know from experience the best way to overcome fear is to work through it in your own time. Freddie is nervous and he just needs to process things at his own speed.

"How much do you wanna bet Nan is already drunk?" I ask, distracting him.

He laughs, but it isn't genuine.

"Done!" announces Nic, unaware of Freddie's dilemma. "My baby's first time on an aeroplane! How exciting!"

Freddie couldn't look any more appalled.

"Where's Catherine and Helen?"


Nic laughs, loving that for them.

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