Waking Up

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The sun rose from it's slumber lighting everything it saw and piercing though the shades on the window waking October and Sean

Sean: [big yawn] Well I slept good how bout you October?
October: [Yawns well giving Sean a nod]
Sean: Best we get something to eat.
Sean and October get out of bed to go get something to eat

3 years later, 2 months before the Indominus escape
A much older October is training with Sean
October is chasing a pig and the pig is starting to get away
Voice over an intercom: Come on October you can get him try to see if you can cut him off
October listens to the voice and starts to try and cut the pig off and corner the pig
October: I've got you cornered now.
Pig: * squealing in fear *
Just as October is about to attack he hears a voice call his name
Voice: October halt.
October stops and looks up towards the catwalk to see Sean
October: *roars* Sean!
October's tail stay to sway side to side, while October is distracted the pig slips away
Sean: Good work so October now let's see if you can pick the scent back after losing it, You ready?
October: * gives a nod *
Sean: Alright Go!
October then takes off looking for the pig
Hoskins: You got him eating out the palm of hands Sean.
Sean: Oh god I was hoping the pig just had a strong smell.
Hoskins: Ah I see good one Sean.
Sean: What do you want Vic?
Hoskins: The future of warfare.
Sean: No I am not letting you turn October into a weapon.
Hoskins: I am not talking about turning it weapon I am talking about using it to advance our military arsenal.
Sean: First off "it" has a name so I suggest you use it, Second off you want to turn him into a weapon.
Hoskins: Alright fine I want to turn him into a weapon but it is only a matter of time before the government starts sending people with the same idea.
Sean: And I will give them the same answer I've been giving you for the past two years.
Pig: * loud squealing *
October: Got you.
Worker: Uh should we stop him?
Sean: No he worked hard today let him have the pig.
Worker: Ok.
Hoskins: You're too soft on him, you need to be more instructive, more demanding, mor-
Sean: More of an idiot yeah no thanks, I prefer the relationship me and October already which brings me to another point, October is to innocent to be in any army.
Hoskins: That can be easily changed.
Sean: Yeah well then I hope you liked having arms.
Hoskins: Please he is just a dumb Dino.
Sean: Vic?
Hoskins: Yeah?
Sean: Get the hell out of here before I break your nose.
Hoskins: Fine I'm going I'll be back though.
Sean: Not if H.R. has anything to say about it.
Sean goes down from the catwalk to the gate separating the inside of the pen to the outside and goes inside
Sean: October come here buddy
October comes out to see Sean and runs to him
Sean: Ha ha Ok ok I get it I love you to.
The two spend the rest of the day together in the pen.

Hey guys been I while since I last updated I'm sorry this took a while to release this chapter somethings happened that I had to deal with and I had a hard time making the plot for this chapter again I am sorry I will try to update as soon as I can anyway hope you enjoy

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