harmonious hickeys

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"um guys we have a bit of a problem here"

you and douxie looked at each other from opposite ends of the closet. "what is it?!", you had to yell over the loud music downstairs. 

"yeah so the lock on the closet door broke...and the technician won't be here for another hour" 

you rolled your eyes. of course this had to happen. of course you were in a closet with hisirdoux casperan. of course the 'innocent game' of seven minutes in heaven had to go wrong. but you couldn't do anything about it. of course not. 

"okay that's fine, adam. go back down to the party", douxie spoke to the other side of the door. adam asked, "are you sure?" "yeah, adam. just go".

you accepted your fate. the fate that you would be stuck in a closet with douxie for a whole hour. adam's footsteps receded as you rested your head back against the wall. 

after a few minutes of (comfortable) silence, you heard a gasp of revelation. "what.", you asked in annoyance. 

"portal us outta here"  "i'm sorry?". he straightened up and looked right at you. "c'mon portal us out of here. we don't have to stay here for a whole hour then".

damn. you did not think of that. "no", you did not want to go home right now. "why not? do you wanna keep spending time with me, darling?" 

you scoffed and straightened up too. "because i have too many things to do at home and i don't wanna do them right now.

...but i know something i can do" "that sounds promising". you gestured for him to come over to you, "c'mere i'm doing your eyeliner". 

"how did you bring eyeliner to a college party when you're wearing a flowy skirt? you have no pockets", he questioned. "you are correct, hisirdoux. and that's why i snuck it into your jacket pocket before we left the bookstore". he reached into the right pocket of his leather jacket and took out an eyeliner pen. "smart girl", he said and tossed the pen to you. you caught it and gestured again, "come here now". 

he sat next to you and rested his head on top of yours. "now you're really fine with me doing your eyeliner?", you were a bit surprised he hasn't rejected your request. "yep, i wanna see what you do with me". you could practically hear the smirk on his face. 

you straddled him and his hands almost immediately went to your waist. "now close your eyes and don't flutter them", he did as told. 

you drew straight lines with eyeliner across his eyelids. you finished prettying him up quicker than you thought. and just stared at him. 

you don't know how long you stared but you couldn't stop looking at him....his lips. until his voice brought you back, and his hand. he raised your face up by your chin to look him in the eyes. don't forget this man is almost 6 feet.

"enjoying the view, love?", you tried to say something, anything. but his hazel eyes were too fucking gorgeous. you could only hum. "mhm", but it came out more of a squeak. "i thought so. c'mere". 

he attached his lips to your neck and started pressing wet, sloppy and hot kisses up and down your neck. down to your collarbones... and back up to your jawline. 

he nipped at just the right places to make you squeeze his shirt every so gently. he left dark purple spots on your neck that let a moan out of you. he trailed his lips up to the shell of your ear and started kissing. "that was a beautiful sound, darling". he licked and kissed the place behind your ear, going back up to the shell of your ear. "make it again for me, won't you?". 

"fuck..⎻", he sucked the very section of your neck which made you squirm. "aa~".

he switched to the left side of your neck and did the same thing. you can normally come up with the perfect response but the way his lips were biting and licking your skin left you in a state of euphoria.

after a solid 10 minutes of teasing you and listening to your moans as if they were his favourite genre of music, you decided to switch things up. 

his hands were still tracing up and down your waist, playing with the hem of your skirt. you took his hands and pinned them above his head, forcing his head (and his lips as a result) to be pulled back. 

"you've been kissing everywhere but my lips, casperan," you leaned in close where your lips were ghosting his, "are you stalling for something?". you didn't give him time to react or reply and you immediately started kissing and sucking along his neck. 

god you were driving him mad. he let out breathy moans and mumbled "fucks" whenever you sucked on his sweet spot, which happened a lot. your lipstick was now smudged all over his neck and your mouth. 

"can i have my hand back now?". you leaned in close to his ear, kissing it once, then twice, then another time (all the while harmonic sighs coming from him). 

"now why would i do that, pretty boy?", still whispering into his ear. he threw his head back. "so i can touch you the way i've been dying to for so damn long". now who wouldn't comply to that?

 you let go of his hands and they went down to your waist, then your hips, then your thighs under your skirt. now it was your turn you lift his chin up. but this time, you kissed his lips. 

it was nuclear. you straightened your back and he did the same. he pulled you impossibly closer to the point where you were probably seated on his cock. 

"haa~". he slipped his tongue in your mouth and started sucking on your own. his hands were roaming up and down your thighs. "don't put your hand there". he removed his hand from your legs and you took his hand in yours again. 

without saying a word, you placed his hand on your inner thigh. he hummed into your mouth and went back down to your collarbones and started sucking again. oh no. right there. that was your spot. 

"d-doux. that's- ffuck". 

that was it for him. he threw his head back and closed his eyes in pure ecstasy. you were gonna ask why he stopped but you found something much better. 

"ahh! m-mm fuck". he was rubbing your pussy with three of his fingers. his long, slender, guitarist fingers. "you're driving me crazy, baby". he kept at it. "so fucking wet". he looked at you again and traced your lips with his thumb, opening your mouth a bit. 

you kept kissing him. the moaning and humming didn't stop. soon you were sucking and licking at each other's necks again. both of your hands weren't getting off each other any time soon. 

he kept rubbing at your pussy like there was no tomorrow, your panties getting wetter and wetter by the minute. the moans coming out of your mouth and the way you moaned out his name made him moan straight into your mouth. 


"aah a-ah fuck"

"doux fuck" 

"darling~ fuck. f-fuck y/n"

"y-y/n you're driving me insane" 

you both wanted so much more than him just rubbing your pussy. just when you were going to unbuckle his belt, the worst thing happened. 

"guys! the technician's here!", adam's voice came from the other side of the closet. 

you both cussed at stupid adam and his stupid technician. he removed his hand from under your skirt and you straightened his jacket collar. you shuffled off him and you both stood up. 

he quickly grabbed your wrist and kissed your neck and whispered in your ear. 

"we're not done here, y/n".

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