harmonious hickeys: afterparty

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as a writer, writing a romance novel, it's quite common to have a chapter that is completely devoted to sex. smut chapters are actually quite expected in romance books, especially when the main love interests are over 18.

so you sat on your bed, one leg crossed, one knee up, chin rested above it, and stared at the blank page on your laptop. make no mistake of course, you had plenty of, shall we say, unholy thoughts, but for whatever reason, you couldn't find inspiration. almost as if on cue, you heard a knock on your window. 

normally, living on the second floor would deter people from climbing up to your roof, but here, you must remember that hisirdoux was far from normal. you sighed and opened the window to let him in, "you know we have a door, right?".

as he climbed through the open window he responded, "i didn't want zoe to see me. your roommate doesn't exactly approve of me". you snickered, "yes i know, i told her not to. anyways, what do you want?". he leaned on the windowsill, "i felt like coming here. should i not have?".

any other time, you would've tried kicking him out immediately, but seeing as you couldn't get any work done, you decided letting him stay wasn't the worst idea, and decided to watch a movie together as there wasn't much else to do.

"corpse bride?". "yeah sure", you loaded the movie on your tv and walked to your bed. douxie sat at the head of the bed and motioned for you to come near him. you sat next to him but turns out that's not what he meant. he patted the space in between his legs and you gave him an 'are you serious' look. "please?".

damn it he's cute. you placed yourself in between his legs and his arms snaked themselves around your waist, resting his chin on your shoulder. you relaxed into his touch as the movie started, intertwining your hands with his. the butterflies in your stomach rising as he melted into your touch. 

you looked down at your linked hands, "wait why are you wearing a suit?", you turned to look at him. "ah well, there was this ceremony at school so we had to dress up" "remind me again why you keep going to school events when it's just your alias?". 

he chuckled, "there's not much else to do". "no of course not. it's not like you work two part-time jobs and are a full-time wizard or anything", you said, giggling a bit.

"well, if we're talking about dress codes, how come you're wearing the same skirt you wore last week to the party?". if you were being honest, you wore some lingerie underneath your short skirt and long t-shirt to try and spark something in your writing. 

"why can't i wear it?" "c'mon just tell me", he hugged you tighter. the butterflies came back. "i...i just wanted to spark up some inspiration for my writing" "and what exactly are you writing about?", you could tell he already knew the answer. and he knew exactly what he was doing. "you're really enjoying this, aren't you?" "absolutely".

"something similar to what happened at the party...in this skirt", flashbacks of last saturday flooded your mind as you closed your legs tightly, placing a hand above your skirt. "may i help with that?", he said, dangerously close to your ear. 

"just watch the movie", you tried focusing back on victor and his skeleton bride on the screen, but failed after a few minutes as you felt soft fingertips tracing along your thigh. you decided to ignore it...or try to, at least until he started softly kissing up your neck. 

he placed soft, long kisses along your nape, drawing small circles along your inner thigh, slowly rising higher. "what are you doing...doux?".

he heard you. oh, he definitely heard you, so he kissed you harder, sucking on your skin, and his hand groping your thigh more, other hand on your waist, traveling to your hip. 

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