Chapter 35: Final Battle (Part 2)/True Justice is Served

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(The Guardians of the Globe are seen along with the Good Avengers and the Good Justice League as they prepare to fight the Pro Heroes, the Evil Avengers and the Evil Justice League.)

Omni-Man: It's time to put an end on this.

Endeavor: This could have been avoided if you just were gone!

Batman: I wonder what made you guys worse than your own archenemies.

E. Batman: Thought you would come here just like I knew you would say that...

Iron Man: Why did you become villains?

E. Iron Man: Villains? That brat and those traitors made us like this!

Kamui Woods: Same about Deku and the others.

E. Superman: Especially that bastard and those ungrateful maggots, including that whore I used to call as wife.

Superman: No wonder she dumped you... my Lois would have done the same thing if I became just like you.

Flash: Same about Iris, another me, or should I say... Savitar!

E. Flash: Savitar? Now you've done it, my weak self!

Flash: At least Thawne isn't here to mock me... or you... whatever...

(Then they have a brief fight. Captain America is seen fighting his evil self.)

E. C. America: You're just a pawn of a weakling government, nothing more.

(Captain America kicks his evil self's leg.)

C. America: And you... (punches him) are nothing... (punches him again) but a Captain HYDRA!

(Captain America then pins his evil self and starts beating him until he pierces him with his shield.)

(Evil Superman is seen punching his good self.)

E. Superman: You're still afraid of hurting people... (punches him again) that's why you still hold back. (grabs his neck) And guess what, I lost everything, and my fear along with it. (throws him down) That's why I don't hold back. (stomps him) Not anymore.

Superwoman: That's all I needed to hear!

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Superwoman: That's all I needed to hear!

(Superwoman pierces through Evil Superman's heart, killing him.)

(Meanwhile, Omni-Man slaughters the Pro Heroes while the other Guardians of the Globe bring down other Pro Heroes. Omni-Man pierces through All Might's heart, killing him, and then the other Guardians of the Globe finish the remaining Pro Heroes. Meanwhile, the Good Justice League and the Good Avengers are seen still dealing with the Evil Justice League and the Evil Avengers. Good Green Lantern is clashing with Evil Green Lantern, Good Martian Manhunter fights Evil Martian Manhunter, Good Wonder Woman has a hard time dealing with Evil Wonder Woman, and Good Iron Man manages to shoot Evil Hawkgirl before having to deal with his evil self. Good Iron Man is suddenly helped by both Spider-Man and Superior Spider-Man, who shoot webs at Evil Iron Man, blindfolding him, but then Evil War Machine shoots a missile at them.)

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