Mulkiewicz [Narrating]: I've cheated death many times- got right up close to it. It was never something I welcomed, but with it comes serenity, a clarity that you never expected. You experience the present as the inevitable destination of every step you've taken towards it... And in that same moment, you see a different path stretch out in front of you. The path you could've taken at the first step. We are all on this road together. The good men who fight for wrong causes... and the corrupt men who cloak themselves in righteousness. Each one of them convinced they are on the side of the angels. But every journey has an end... and death can only be cheated for so long... we had thrown everything we had at Atlas and come up short. Now it was time to pay the price.
(Mulkiewicz, the Bravo Squadron, Ech0, Marx and Loomis are seen handcuffed in a truck filled with prisoners.)
Taylor: Stay alert. Any detail can make the difference.
(The truck drives through an entrance of an Atlas Location.)
Ech0: What is this place?
Laurent: Used to be a research lab... looks like Irons modified it since.
Marx: Research for what?
SPi: Medical advancements, something like that. Doesn't matter. It's a prison now.
(The truck then turns left and then stops.)
Pan: This is it. Only way we survive this is by keeping out heads. Wait for an opportunity.
Guard: Everyone off the truck! Now! Come on, get 'em off the truck.(Atlas troops then start to pull out the prisoners until they get Mulkiewicz's Bravo Squadron and throw them out.)
Guard: That's all of 'em.
(They then are forced to an elevator, where they spot the recently captured Colonel, Maverick Hunters and Repliforce.)
Cuddles: Colonel?
Colonel: Guys.
(The Squadron is then shoved into the elevator and it starts to head down.)
Kreel: How'd you all end up here?
Skiver: Our air support was wiped out when Manticore hit. I was outside the blast radius but our squad was surrounded and out-gunned.
Loomis: Is there a rescue force coming for us?
X: Downtown is contaminated. We've pulled out of the city entirely. I don't think anybody's comin'...
(Ech0 then looks towards Mulkiewicz. The elevator then reaches the bottom and the door opens. A guard then grabs the Bravo Squadron and throws them out to the ground.)
Guard: Alright let's go, guys. Out of the pen, out of the pen, now!
(Ech0, Marx and Loomis are then pushed out of the pen as another guard grabs Colonel, the Maverick Hunters and the Repliforce, and pushes them out.)
Guard: Move it!
(An Atlas military police guard arrived to the front and points at Mulkiewicz.)
MP Guard: Here, now!
(The guard gestures him to get out. As he did, the guard grabs his arms and drags him in line.)
MP Guard: Get over here! Let's go! Start walking!
(The guard gestured them to take a right as the four are then lead past a firing range, where prisoners were lined up. Zero stared at it long enough for one of the guards to notice.)
Guard: What are you looking at?
(The guard jabs Zero at his back, causing him to fall to the ground, but he quickly got back up.)
Pick Your Card in Musutafu
AcciónDuring his childhood, Lyon Bardot witnessed his parents die during the battle between heroes and villains. He was then adopted by the Midoriya Family and became supportive towards Izuku and his dream to be a hero. During the Sludge Villain incident...