Harsh Noise

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Barcode's pov;

I just texted the production people that I'm running late at our rehearsals because my exams finish later than I expected and the traffic on the Bangkok thoroughfare is atrocious,  and I send a text to my Phis at our group chat to let them know also. As the Uber stopped at the front foyer of the studio I wai at the driver and say my small thanks as I quickly dashed to the door to the entrance.

I check my fone to see if there is any reply, I saw the production team and some of my Phi's affirmative replies that they received my text and I saw that theirs is a private message from Phi Jeff.

"Nong are you here yet? Do you want me to pick you up at the entrance? "

I smiled at my phis tending attitude, Phi is attentive and super caring, I'm soooo lucky

"Yes Phi I'm here na, but No need to pick me up,  I'll just drop my bag at the dressing room and will go there na" I replied to Jeff

As I make my way to our dressing room and put down my backpack, I hurried to leave and started to walk toward the room where the others are practicing. As I pass by the one room I heard someone talking in a hushed voice "must be the technical men, fixing the spotlight to be used for the concert" I thought to myself, but my steps halt when I heard my name being uttered silently.

He doesn't want to eavesdrop because he knows it's wrong but when he heard his name his curiosity is piqued and he can't help himself but listen.

"He's too inexperienced and childish to join in the concert, what are they thinking adding Barcode on the lineup, he might mess up the performance, "  one of the voices said
"Yeah I think so too, they should just make him a guest on the show and cut his time to a minimum so that the concert will flow without a glitch" someone agreed to the first voice.
"I don't know how they manage to handle him, especially Jeff, he's so messy and chaotic and sometimes obnoxious, If I am Jeff I leave him in a heartbeat, I don't have time to deal with that " added the first voice

Barcode was so stunned after hearing that he retreat and turn his body prepared to walk away, he was hurt at the words but at the same time, he started to worry and doubt himself. He was far from the voices that he doesn't hear the third person that chastised the two gossiping idiots.

" Barcode is good in fact he is remarkable considering his age, so if I were you two stop sputtering nonsense about Barcode's right to be in concert, he has all the right like the other older cast " he indignantly says, " and I'm telling you two if the others hear what you say you'll be in trouble, everyone loves the boy, especially Jeff, he adores him and if you upset Barcode you'll have to answer to the whole cast " he summed up.
" aawww come on, we don't mean it the bad way, we're just concerned with the outcome of the show " the first voice reason out
" true because it's our first major concert we just want it to be perfect "
" I get it that you're just concerned, it's natural to be it's the first project for all of us after all,
but we have to trust our artists to deliver well because they are doing all of their best, our main job here is to support them at all cost and not judge them if they are worthy or not to be part of the program. "  the third voices says, ending the chitchat.
The two just shrugged their shoulder and resume doing what was supposed to be one of the props.

Jeff Pov

We saw Barcode enter the room, but as soon I see him I know something is amiss, his usual cheery self is not present, theirs no bounce in his steps, his eyes are not sparkling with mischief and the biggest give away is the absence of his megawatt smile on his face this is so unusual for Barcode, and by the looks of it, I'm not the only one who notices. Us slowly glance my way as if asking me in a nonverbal way if I know what's wrong with our Nong, I shake my head a little to answer his inquiry.

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