Vol.1 : Ch.1- Saving an Elf

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Bell Cranel a 16 year-old boy of the Vesta Familia, he became an adventurer a week ago, and to Guild's surprise already achieved Floor 5 in that short amount of time.

Bell entered the 5th Floor, but was incredibly confused, as there was no monster in sight.


'Hm... How strange.' I thought. 'There's normally monsters everywhere on this floor.'

After a few moments of walking around, I heard a powerful monster howl close by.

'That howl, it doesn't belong to any monster from this floor...' I thought, as my eyes widened. 'Is it possible that a monster from the Lower Floors came up here?!'

I immediately took action, as he ran towards the direction of the howl. I understood that if a monster from the Lower Floors came up here, then an innocent person could be in grave danger. After a few seconds, I reached the location of the howl, and watched as a Minotaur was about to kill an Elf with jade colored hair. I heard more footsteps, coming from another direction, but knew that they wouldn't make it in time, and decided to get to work.


'Damn it... I got careless.' I thought.

Riveria Ljos Alf, a Level 6 Adventurer of the Loki Familia. After her Familia's Expedition went wrong, they decided to return to the surface, and on the way they reached Floor 17, and a horde of Minotaurs spawned. Unfortunately, the executives weren't able to kill all of them, and the monsters fled to the Higher Floors, while they were able to kill most of the fleeing monsters, one got away, and they went to the Higher Floors in search of the last Minotaur. Riveria reached Floor 5, she began to look for the monster, after a few minutes of seeing nothing, she lowered her guard, and was attacked by the Minotaur from behind, smashing her into a wall, and knocking away her staff in the process.

'So, this is where it ends...' I thought, as the Minotaur went in for a final blow, I closed my eyes, awaiting my end.


It never came...

I felt no pain, she could still feel my heart beat, all I heard was the sound of a blade slicing through flesh, and after a moment, I opened my eyes, and witnessed something unbelievable. A boy with snow-white hair and ruby colored eyes, slicing through the arm of the Minotaur, but what surprised me, was how calm his eyes were. The young boy then smiled, and spoke.

"Good, looks like I made it in time." He said.

"Who..." I couldn't finish the thought, as my eyes widened, when I noticed the monster going in for another attack. "Look–?!" My eyes widened further as the boy was already evading, before the Minotaur even made his move. The monster hadn't even registered that the rabbit evaded a split second before it attacked.

"Heh, someone seems eager." The boy commented. The Minotaur became enraged and attempted to attack the rabbit again, but just like before, the boy evaded with ease. The boy counter attacked, slashing at the monster, and giving the beast a deep cut across its chest. The rabbit then jumped back, and while keeping his calm expression, he spoke. "Looks like the cavalry has arrived."

His comment left the me confused, until I noticed Aiz appearing on the scene. "Riveria!" The golden-eyed girl called. Her eyes widened, from what she was seeing. Aiz sensed that the white-haired boy was Level 1, but he was effortlessly dodging and counter attacking the Minotaur with ease. What surprised her the most, was that the way the boy dodged was as if he knew the monster's next move before it made it. 'How is he doing that?' Aiz thought.


"So, are you just going to stand there and watch?" I asked the blonde-haired girl.

She exited her trance and charged in, as I followed suit, we tag teamed the Minotaur, and killed it fairly quickly. I sheathed my blade, and walked up to the jade-haired Elf.

"Miss, are you okay?" I asked, while holding out my hand.

"Y-Yes, I'm alright." She responded, taking my hand, as I helped her up. "Who are you?" The Elf asked, with visible curiosity.

I smiled and introduced myself. "I'm Bell Cranel, of the Vesta Familia, and you two?" I asked with a warm smile, to which her curious expression changed to confusion.

"You don't know who we are?" The Elf questioned.

"Not the slightest clue, I've only been here for two weeks." I responded honestly.

"I see... I'm Riveria Ljos Alf, of the Loki Familia, and the girl with blonde hair, is Aiz Wallenstein, one of our executives." She introduced.

" She introduced

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"The Loki Familia, huh

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"The Loki Familia, huh. Cool." I said casually, which seemed to surprised them further.

"You are definitely not normal, any regular adventurer would have fainted meeting use face to face." Riveria said, gaining a small chuckle from me.

"Heh, don't get me wrong, I'm a little surprised, but meeting you is nothing to faint over." I replied. "To me, you're just people, I don't really care about adventurer status, or popularity, and stuff like that. We all live, eat, sleep, and breathe the same thing."

"You are a very strange, yet comfortable person." Aiz said.

"Why thank you, now, I'd better head back to the guild, and inform my advisor about today, bye." I waved and left, before they could ask me another question.


'His eyes, while he was fighting, they changed. His ruby eyes turned completely black, and had a glowing red outline of a lotus. They looked... Beautiful.' I thought. 'Bell Cranel...' I softly smiled remembering his beautiful warm smile, I was so deep in thought, that I hadn't realized my face heating up.

It didn't take long for me to exit my thoughts, once Aiz called my name. "Riveria!" Aiz called gaining my attention.

"Ah, yes, what is it?" I asked.

"Did you catch a cold, your face is all red?" She questioned.

"N-No, I'm fine, let's head back, and inform, Finn, that the Minotaurs have been dealt with." I suggested, to which Aiz nodded in agreement. As we were walking back, I couldn't help but keep thinking about him. 'I wonder if we'll ever meet again.' I thought.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2022 ⏰

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