~ And So, It Begins ~

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Soon enough, the group made it out of the mains and got to the cottage. However, they didn't celebrate their accomplishment just yet as they heard a loud noise echoing from the mines.

"Are you kidding me!? It managed to push off all that weight and chase us?!" Ace hollered in dread.

Persian hissed as the creature barged right out of the mines and charged at the group. "Oh, sweet Arceus, that thing doesn't know when to quit!"

"Oooooooohhhh, Stooooone. . . . Giiiiiivvvvve Baaaaack!"

"It's getting closer! It'll catch us!" Deuce feared.

"But look, it's not as fast as it was before. It's weakening, if we act now and strike, we can finish it off!" Lia stated.

"Argh! Aright! Go and crush that thing again Deucy! But don't get all 'quack in your shoes." Ace mocked.

"Same goes for you!"

"I'm going to show you two knuckleheads why I'm called Grim the Great!"

"Pika, pika," (No one really calls you that,)

"That's great and all boys, but why don't you let me deal with this thing this time," Lia jumped off of Absol and turned to the rampaging monster.


"What in the name of the Great Seven are you doing!?" Ace shouted.

But Lia didn't bother with them, she pulled out her bow staff and got herself into a defensive stance. Streams of light blue energy riveted around her being, making the boys look at her in awe.

'Focus, hold my ground, then. . . ' The monster got closer to her, then with a swift swing of her staff. Lia knocked that brute with such force, it tumbled to the ground.

"Whoa!" The boys said amazed, as they and Lia's Pokémon were watching from the edge of the cottage's property.

Lia then quickly pulled out another Pokéball, "Blastoise! Come on out!"

Coming out of the said ball was a Blastoise, he stood tall and proud as he glared at the being in front of him. "Blastoise, when I give the signal, use 'Water Cannon at full blast. And don't stop till that thing is no more," she told her shellfish Pokémon.

"Blastoise." (Understood.)

"Giiiiivvvvvve. . . . Baaaaaack. . . .. . .Myyyyyy Stooooonnnne!" The monster roared as it got back up.

"Not happening! Take this!" Lia swung her staff and launched an attack that was the same as the one she did back in the orientation ceremony. It made the creature hovel back close to the river that was near the cottage.

"I get it now!" Persian proclaimed.

"What?" Ace asked.

"She's backing that thing to a corner to a point it can't escape once she has Blastoise use Water Cannon!"

"What's so special about that attack?" Ace asked again.

"Don't you get it? That thing is pretty much made out of some kind of ink-like substance. If it were to get heavily doused in water,"

"It'll erode away till it's nothing but muck!" Deuce figured it out.

"Exactly!" Persian confirmed.

Back to the said fighting young woman and her Pokémon, she kept slashing at the beast till it had no way of escaping from her or the giant turtle creature. Lia panted as she was losing her stamina, as she used her aura too much. She was starting to weaken like the monster was.

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