🌹Early Morning Guest, Rose Painting, Wait what?🌹

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After a long and exhausting day. Lia, Grim, Pikachu, and Persian returned to the Ramshackle Dorm, however, when they got there, to their surprise the whole place was as good as new from the inside. It was like it was restored to what it looked like before. The only difference was all the potted plants that were everywhere.

Maddie and Matt rushed over to the four and greeted them with sunny smiles and explained everything. Turns out while they were gone with Ace and Deuce, Madame Eva and a close friend of hers, fixed and cleaned the dorm for them with their magic. Later, they told Lia that Hoopa came back. As soon as his name was mentioned, he appeared right behind the small group.

He explained to Lia that he went to talk to Arceus and explained the whole situation to him. But as it turns out, the Alpha Pokémon already knew about it, and had Palkia make the dimension-loop over her home property!

Lia frantically asked why the God-like Pokémon did that. Hoopa explained that The Alfa said that it was time for her to start a new journey in Twisted Wonderland. Where she'll help introduce Pokémon to those who have earned the right to know about them. The dimension-loop was placed there as insurance, to make sure that she completes her journey with only the necessary means from her home.

Matt and Maddie were also there with her because Arceus thought they would be a big help to her along the way. Hoopa then tells her that The Alpha will have the Loop taken down at times. But only when the reason is important. But he ensures that it will be down for her to visit her mother.

Three times a month, Lia goes to visit her mother's grave. Whenever she feels the need for peace of mind. Anyway, Maddie and Matt can leave when they want. But Arceus was certain that their presence is needed for her journey. Hoopa also mentions that due to the combination of Hoopa's rings and the magic from the Dark Mirror; his rings are the only way to get to their world and back. With that knowledge, Lia must be careful who she trusts to bring to their world.

Feeling a bit better, knowing this. Lia can go to bed tonight with a clear conscience. As she got all of her Pokémon fed, the twins ready for bed, Lia got ready herself after making a cup of iced-herbal tea.

With her being an official student, she was going to need a uniform and other appropriate clothing for necessary courses. 'I'll have to ask either Madame Eva or Mr. Crowley about that before classes start in the morning. Can't believe that slipped my mind.'

Before heading to her bedroom, she decided to go to the front balcony for a bit. Once there, her attention was on the night sky where the stars were ever shining. She smiled as she saw a shooting star pass by, "Hi mom, hope you doing well up there. Well, tomorrow is my first day of school. Funny, I thought I was pretty much done with it after I had finished my journey back home. But then again, life always has a way of making unexpected surprises. Did you by chance know that Dad was a magic user? What am I saying, of course, you probably knew. I mean, you did marry him, to begin with. I um, I just wanted to say, wish me luck in this new life. And please continue to look after me, I miss you."

Every night, before Lia goes to bed, she would always sing the last song her mother sang to the night sky. Though it may sound sad, it still was filled with a deep passion for the ones she loved and cared for.

Later that night, Lia and company were sleeping the night away unaware of the world around them. The mirror above her fireplace started to glow mysteriously. And Lia began to toss and turn in her bed as she was having a really 'curious dream.


All was white for a moment, then, Lia started to hear voices. The white began to clear and she finds herself in what looked like a garden maze. 'What in the world?'

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