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I veered my head left, towards Jeremiah.

"Come hai potuto infrangere la fiducia di tuo padre senza pensarci due volte?" (How could you break papa's trust without thinking twice) Jeremiah's voice was stern and cold.

He purposefully switched to his dialect to keep me out of the conversation.

I turned right to Noah when I heard him respond, "Non ho infranto la fiducia di nessuno." (I haven't broken anyone's trust)

Although I didn't understand a word coming out of either of their mouths, I tried deciphering the messages through their facial expression.

So far, Jeremiah has maintained his grim expression whilst Noah had a bored look on his face, as though he had no intention of explaining himself to Jeremiah.

I cringed when Jeremiah spoke an octave higher than necessary, earning the attention of the few people lurking around, "Ho appena visto la tua lingua nella sua bocca. E quello?!" (I just saw your tongue in her mouth. What about that?!)

A smirk aligned Noah's features and this communicated that he was amused by Jeremiah's previous statement, "Fratello, finché non ho scoperto che sapore ha la sua figa; fino a quando le mie dita non familiarizzeranno con le sue viscere; finché non l'ho scopata senza senso, Non ho tradito in alcun modo la fiducia di papà." (Brother, until I find out what her pussy tastes like; until my fingers become acquainted with her insides; until I fuck her senseless, I haven't betrayed papa's trust in any way.)

He huffed, "Papà ha chiarito che non puoi toccarla in alcun modo sessualmente." (Papa made it clear you can't touch her in any way sexually.)

Noah smiled again, amusement twinkling in his blue irises, "Penso che tu stia dimenticando una cosa importante, fratello, Claire è mia. Posso fare tutto ciò che ritengo opportuno e tu non mi interrogherai. (I think you're forgetting something important, brother, Claire is mine. I can do whatever I deem fit and you will not question me.) he said very firmly.

Jeremiah's jaw twitched as he stared down Noah for a few minutes. He then abruptly turned to me in the middle and snatched my hand before pulling me away.

His grip on my wrist was so tight. I tried tugging my hand out of his hold, but he didn't let me go.

Once he dragged me through the lobby and into the elevator, I wriggled as I tried to free my hand from his clasp, but he neither looked at me nor released his grip.

When we reached my floor, he walked into the hallway and hauled me along with him to the front door. He then unlocked the door before yanking me through the door.

As soon as he released my hand, I saw the prominent bruise his fingers left. I rubbed soothing circles around my wrist to find some relief.

"Are you fucking mad?!" he shouted at me.

I continued to pay attention to my bruised wrist, choosing to not reply to him.

"I'm asking you a fucking question!" he bellowed as he moved closer to me.

I finally raised my head, "Jer, you're very angry right now. I don't think it's the right time for us to talk." I spoke softly.

"How could you fucking let him touch you?!" he continued, ignoring my previous statement. "Because he put a goddamn ring around your finger doesn't mean he can do something like that." he expelled a heavy breath through his mouth.

I suddenly felt angry at him.

I knew he was trying to protect me, but he was acting like everyone else, expecting me to be all righteous and virtuous regardless of everything.

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