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Coryben pov

I was sitting with the boys when Anya was telling her to say please and then she said something about helping her with school work she was doing since this is definitely my nice when she was done she has to read a book she chose Series of Unfortunate Events  good book but then Anya told her to grab a pice of paper and right down the word that she comes across then wat that word means I think the girls home school her and I understand why now am listening to bell read and right she was good 

Aberrant: the word "aberrant" here means "very, very wrong and causing much grief".
Adroit: the word "adroit" here means skillful
Blanched: the word "blanched" here means boiled
Break a leg: "That's a theater term," Mr. Poe explained, "meaning 'good luck on tonight's performance.'
Briskly: the word "briskly" here means "quickly, so as to get the Baudelaire children to leave the house
Casing the joint: to observe a particular location in order to formulate a plan.
Duration: the whole thing
Faking: a word which here means "feigning" --- kindness
Fallen by the wayside: an expression which here means "they stopped calling, writing, and stopping by to see if any of the Baudelaires, making them very lonely"
Figuratively: feels like it's happening
Fitfully: a word which here means "with much tossing and turning"
'"Keep our chin up'": an expression the children's father had used, and it meant "try to stay cheerful"
Lamentably deplorable: a phrase which here means "it was not at all enjoyable"
Literally: if something is happening literally, it actually happens
Incentive: "an offered reward to persuade you to do something you don't want to do" - to read long, dull and difficult books.
In confidence: a phrase which here means "kept a secret between Mr Poe and themselves and not blabbed to Count Olaf"
Incurring: a word which here means "bringing about"
In loco parentis: "In loco parentis means 'acting in the role of a parent,'" Mr. Poe said. "It is a legal term and it applies to Count Olaf. Now that you are in his care, the Count may raise you using any methods he sees fit."
Insipid: the word insipid here means "dull and foolish"
Nuptial: "The word 'nuptial'," Klaus said, "means 'relating to marriage'."
Of two minds: a phrase which here means "they felt two different ways at the same time."
Pandemonium: a word which here means "actors and stagehands running around attending to last-minute details".
Perished: "'Perished', Mr. Poe said, 'means killed'"
Polygamists: "Polygamists are people who marry more than one person," Klaus explained.
Posthaste: "Posthaste", Mr. Poe said, "means--" "--means you'll do nothing to help us," Violet finished for him.
Relinquished: a word which here means "gave to Count Olaf even though [Klaus] didn't want to".
Revulsion: a word which here means "an unpleasant mixture of horror and disgust"
Rickety: "the word rickety, you probably know, here means unsteady or likely to collapse"
Simmered: a culinary term which means "cooked over low heat"
Sleeping fitfully: a phrase which here means "with much tossing and turning" on the lumpy bed
Smirked: a word which here means "smiled in an unfriendly, phony way"
Standoffish: It means "reluctant to associate with others".
Testily: a word which here means "in an extremely annoyed tone".
Add insult to injury: a phrase which here means "forcing somebody to do an unpleasant task when they're already very upset"
Admonished: a word which here means "reprimanded Klaus even though he was interrupting for a very good reason"
Alcove: "a very, very small nook just perfect for sitting and reading."
Bambini: Italian for children
Brummagen: a fancy word for "fake"
Clouded Over:"took on a slightly gloomy look as Uncle Monty thought about his bad luck"
Crude: the word "crude" here means "roughly made at the last minute" rather than "rude of ill-mannered
Come clean: a phrase which here means "admit that he is really Count Olaf and up to no god"
Come to Fruition: a phrase which here means "the Baudelaires were finally to learn of it."
Constant surveillance: a phrase which here means, "kept watching them so they couldn't possibly talk to Uncle Monty alone and reveal that he was really Count Olaf,"
Dramatic irony: when a person makes a harmless remark, and someone else who heard it knows something that makes the remark a different, and usually unpleasant meaning.
Dumbly: the word dumbly here means "without speaking," rather than "in a stupid way"
Entertaining: "thinking" rather than "singing or dancing or putting on skits"
Generic: "when one is unable to think of anything else to say"
Giddy: dizzy and excited
Hash this out: a phrase which here means "talk about something a length until we completely understand it."
Hue: colour
Flourish: "a sweeping gesture, often used to show off"
Hackneyed: "used by so, so many writers that by the time Lemony Snicket uses it, it is a tiresome cliche."
Herpetology: study of snakes
In conjunction: together
Insipid: not worth reading to someone
Inquisitive: Full of questions
Meanwhile back at the ranch: a phrase used to link what is going on in one part of the story to what is going on in another part of the story, and it has nothing to do with cows or with horses or with any people who work in rural areas where ranches are, or even with ranch dressing, which is creamy and put on salads.
Misnomer: "a very wrong name"
Needle in haystack: It is very difficult, experts have told us, to find a needle in a haystack, which is why "needle in a haystack has become a rather hackneyed phrase meaning "something that is difficult to find."
Nemesis: a word which here means, "the worst enemy you could imagine."
Oblivious: "not aware that Stephano was really Count Olaf and thus being in a great deal of danger".
-ology: Whenever a word as ology, it means the study of something
Out of earshot: a word which here means "close enough to hear him"
Perpetuate his deception: a phrase which here means "lie, lie, lie."
Preempt: "It means that I think Stephano is going to steal my snake," Uncle Monty said "and present it to the Herpetological Society."
Retrieve: "take away"
Ridicule: to tease
Ruffians: horrible people
Segue: "let the conversation veer off"
Strangulatory: having to do with strangling
Suspicious: "If someone is suspicious, it means they're not sure"
Take the Cake: a phrase which here means that, that more horrible things have happened to them then just about anybody.

As she was done she closed the book showed her sister and she looked happy Bella put the the papers in this folder and put Back in the duper bag she was smart for age.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2022 ⏰

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