Something's up

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*A week later*

"Are you sure you can handle this babe? I mean, I'm willing to help out and everything but..." Blake hesitated. I leaned back against the car with my arms crossed over my chest and watched him pack Benny's bags into the backseat of his car. "I already told you that I can handle this. I know that it's going to be harder work than usual but I know I can do it Blake," I told him, trying to sound more confident than I felt. "Plus it'll be great practice," I added. Blake paled while closing the car door and staring at me. Trying to hold back my laughter, I looked at him innocently for a few seconds before walking away to the Nursery. "What's that suppose to mean Athena?!" Blake yelled after me before running to catch up.

I was so excited that I was finally allowed to take him home for the night. It was only a trial to see if I could handle it okay and if it was something I was sure I wanted but still. When I walked in, Benny was lying in his crib and chewing on his teddy bear's ear with his eyes closed. Why do babies have to be so cute? I went over and scooped him up into my arms carefully and looked around the room to make sure nothing important was forgotten. "Babe come on, we better start going before your mum starts to worry. I told her we would be home before five," Blake called out from the office. Looking down at Benny, I started to head back when I ran into a wall… a very yummy wall.

“Sorry Felix, I didn’t see you there.” I apologized. Wait, did I just say yummy? I can’t think of him like that, he’s Reece’s brother and plus, I’m with Blake. “It’s alright. So you finally get to take him home? I bet you’re excited, I mean I had to basically drag you away from him when I came to take you home,” Felix laughed. He had dimples on both cheeks when he laughed, it was so cute. “Hey you did not! I was not that bad,” I giggled, smacking his arm playfully, “Oh I better be going, Blake’s waiting and mum will have kittens if I’m late.” Felix raised his eyebrow at me, making my laugh. Am I like the only one who has heard of that expression or is it just because we’re werewolves? “It’s just an expression Felix,” I smiled as I walked past him and down the hall to the office. I still can’t believe Felix is related to Reece and Damian. They are all just totally different from each other; Felix the angel, Damian the asshole and Reece… is just Reece.

“About time,” Blake mumbled as I entered the room. What’s up his ass?Shaking it off, I went over to Grace and said goodbye before walking out to the car. Benny wiggled and squirmed while I tried to secure him in his car seat. After a few attempts, Benny was finally secured and Blake was waiting in the front. Getting into the passenger seat, I looked over at Blake while biting my lower lip. “Is something wrong Blake? You been so moody with me lately, have I done something wrong?” I asked. Blake sighed and looked out the windshield, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel. I tried thinking back to the past few days to try and see my fault but I couldn’t. “It’s not you babe, it’s that Reece Marquez. He came over while you were at work, you’re mum ended up inviting him for dinner tonight. He’s up to something, I can feel it but I can’t quite put my finger on it,” he answered softly, almost like he was talking to himself.

“Do you know why he was there?” I asked. Reece knew I was at work, so why would he go to my house? This just didn’t make sense. “I don’t know. He came to talk to your father about something,” Blake replied. I looked at him smiling and leaned over, kissing his lips softly. “I’m just glad it’s not me,” I mumbled against them. Blake pulled back and laughed as I pouted, giving him my best puppy dog face. He kissed my nose and said, “Not now, not with Benny in the car. Wait till tonight.” Benny was sound asleep before we even left school grounds. I just couldn’t wait for mum to see him. Dad was a little hesitant about the idea but I’m not sure if it’s because Benny is a baby or because he’s from another pack. Actually, that’s not true. Benny’s an orphan, so technically he doesn’t belong to a pack. I looked out the window and watched the scenery pass by. Sometimes, I still feel sad about not having my own pups someday but then I think about what might happen if things work out between me and Blake. I mean, we can always adopt orphans like Benny. At least Blake could still teach him to hunt and all that other werewolf stuff...

*At Home*

I quickly jumped out of the car and gently got Benny out of his car seat. He snuggled up to my chest while continuing to sleep. Dad was in the garden with Reece, no doubt showing him around the place. “Oh Athena, you’re home... and you brought the pup home. Great,” Dad grumbled. Starting to rub Benny’s back, I walked over to dad and sighed. No matter what anyone would say, Dad will never listen to me or anyone. He’s such a stubborn Alpha. “Dad what do you have against this poor, defenceless baby? He’s sick and he doesn’t have anyone else but me. He relies on me and I will be there for him. He’ll be coming home with me most nights so you better suck it up.” I told him. Turning around before he could get mad at me, I carefully walked into the house to find mum sitting in the lounge room.

“Hey mum, look what I brought home with me,” I said excitedly while sitting down next to her on the couch. Benny held onto my shirt tighter as mum looked down at him. “Aww he’s so cute Athena. I can understand now why you wanted to bring him home. He’s so tiny and fragile,” Mum smiled. Blake dropped Benny’s bags at the staircase and headed to the kitchen. Blake was one of those guys that could eat like an elephant and still look so damn sexy. “- and I personally just don’t think it’s the right thing to do sir,” Reece was saying when he came into the room with dad. Mum and I both looked at them with confused looks. Dad rarely got on with a wolf from another pack, especially if one just rocked up uninvited. Maybe Blake was right. Knowing Benny was hungry as he started crying, I got up and started to fix him a warm bottle. Mum tried to take him while I got it but he didn’t want to let go.

When Benny was fed, I went upstairs with Blake to put him down for a nap. “Why did you need me to come with you babe?” Blake asked once we were in my room. I strode across the room to the cot and laid Benny in there with his favourite teddy bear. Blake went and sat on my bed and I turned towards him with my arms over my chest. “You were right, he’s up to something. We’ve got to find out what it is,” I told him. Blake and I looked at each other smirking. “I know that look Athena. What’s the plan babe?” Blake laughed as he got off the bed and walked over to me. I tried to look innocent but failed as I smiled wider. “You know me to well. Okay so this is the plan...” I started, kissing his lips. 


Thank you everyone for the votes last chapter! I was shocked to see so many of them. What did you guys think of this chapter? So I wanna know who is your favourite character so far and why??  7 votes this time guys :D

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