The Pack Meeting

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I growled in frustration as I threw the pillow that was over my head, onto the floor. Why was it always so hard to sleep in around this place? Oh, that's right. My father is Alpha of the Blood Valley pack and has decided to have a meeting with the surrounding packs at our house. Sighing in defeat, I sat up in bed and tied my hair back into a messy bun. Getting out of bed, I quickly got changed into a tank top and jeans before heading downstairs. 

"Good morning Athena. How did you sleep?" My mother greeted me as I walked into the kitchen. I shrugged and mumbled 'alright' in reply. She gave me a quick smile before returning back to her cooking. The only good thing that came out of dad's meetings was mum's cooking. She would cook a whole feast for lunch and then do it all over again for dinner. Mum was just amazing like that. "I think I'm gonna go for a run. I'll be back in a little bit," I told mum before heading out the back door. 

Once I had reached the forest behind the house, I got undressed and shoved my clothes into a nearby tree before shifting into my white wolf. I'll admit that my wolf was strong and fast but that was only because of the Alpha blood running through my veins. Without a second thought, I began to make my way towards the lake that was at the very far end of our territory. It was a place that only few pack members knew about, and somewhere I would come to be alone and think. I started to relax as my wolf took full control and enjoy the wind in my fur, and the dirt between my paws. I slowed down once I had reached the clearing and went over to a large, flat rock in the shade. Laying down on my side, I stretched out my body and closed my eyes. The last thing I remember before falling asleep, was the relaxing sound of running water. 

*A few hours later*

The shade was gone when I woke up and it was starting to get hot, so I decided it was time to head back home. Instead of my usual lazy pace, I ran home at full speed with my stomach grumbling for food. After shifting back into my human form and getting dressed, I made my way back inside the pack house. My mother was in the kitchen talking to some of the other she-wolves in our pack. "Is the meeting over yet? I'm starving," I asked as my stomach grumbled. Jessie, the Delta's mate, handed me a plate of cookies while replying, "Not yet but it shouldn't be to much longer. They've been in there for a few hours now." Before she had even finished talking, I had devoured the entire plate of cookies which made everyone laugh. "What? I said I was hungry," I mumbled as I walked out into the lounge room. 

Sitting on the couch, I turned on the tv and flicked through the channels. As usual, there wasn't much on except for old re-runs of tv shows. After fifteen minutes of channel surfing, I looked over my shoulder as the hall door opened. "Athena," my dad said as he walked past. I watched as people piled out of the hall and into the dining room. There would of had to been at least six different packs here. Turning the tv off, I was about to make my way to the dining room when an intoxicatingly sweet smell hit me. It smelt like caramel with a hint of peanut butter. My heart began to race as my wolf paced my mind. I didn't even realize that I had turned around until a pair of dark green eyes were looking straight into my blue ones. My wolf howled with excitement, "Mate! Our Mate! "It couldn't be... could it?

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