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Aria's P.O.V

Earth, The Home and Place of the human race.

As kids adults make it out to be a beautiful world. Where the sky is a colorful rainbow and unicorns fly around in the sky prancing around all happy.

This fantasy, this excuse, this lie...

Is nothing close to the truth....

The world isn't colorful, it is only black and white with a lit bit of gray.

Those that know the true horror of the world from young are those that make the hardest effort to improve.

And I am one of those such people.

My name is Aria Bloodhaven, I am 17 years old, Japanese/Western, Intersex, and a orphan.

I have grown to know the true colors of the world before even puberty hit me.

Fighting for myself, scavenging for myself, I never gave even a mere thought about any others as I only worried about me and my survival.

This went on until, I was fateful to come across a man.

He was mysterious and my instincts told me he was a danger to me

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He was mysterious and my instincts told me he was a danger to me.

But despite this I was surprised when he took me in.

He fed me, Bathe me, and even cared for me.

His name was Yoriichi Bloodhaven, He wasn't rich or anything like that, but he did own a good amount of land and had a amazing house.

He told me he took me in on a simple whim that he wanted to see what a having a daughter would be like.

I of course was confused by his statement as with his looks he could easily get any woman and have a daughter with her.

He told me that the reason he didn't do the regular process was because, he the one who had a heart had already passed away.

He was taking loyalty to a whole new level which I really respected.

This was then the start of my years.

He began homeschooling me on anything and everything he could. From simple subjects, to even professions that involved me to get hands on to actually get the experience for it.

This is not the only things as he also taught me how to properly fight and battle with weapons.

He taught me a total of 5 martial arts. All appropriate for attacking, defending, and killing if needed.

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