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Cecelia, a surgeon suffering with hemophobia, takes a deep breath in before beginning with an important surgery.

Questions flood her mind.

Will I be able to hold through the entire surgery without feeling like I'm on a 10 feet roller-coaster?

Only God knows.

In the starkly lit operating room, the team of surgeons stood poised around the operating table, their movements deliberate and focused.

Dr. Torres, a renowned anesthesiologist, took the lead as they prepared to operate on the young man who had suddenly been brought in with a gunshot wound to the face.

The patient, whose face is barely recognizable due to the injury with lays motionless as the team of surgeons worked swiftly and efficiently to stabilize him.

"There's too much blood, I can't see anything." Dr. Toress comments and Cecelias steady hands expertly navigate the delicate instruments, closing up the internal bleeding. She began the intricate task of repairing the damage to his fragile facial bones and delicate nerves.

"Do you see anything, Cecelia?" Dr. Toress asks, wanting Cecelia to take the lead as they both look into the wound that bleeds nonstop while Tristan holds the pupil torch.

"There's a pumper in there somewhere, I just can't find it." Cilia says as she carefully pushes deep. "Section, please."

"Here." Dr. Toress pumps the section and Cilia continues on looking for the pumper.

"Will you get the Richardson and lift up the top bone, please?" Cecelia asks as she carefully checks his vitals and Leya hurriedly gets to inserting pipes into his veins. As the surgery progresses, tension fills the room, each member of the team acutely aware of the situation.

"The bleeding has stopped." Tristan reveals while Cecelia stops pinching the area with the Richardson, letting out a breath of relief behind her mask.

Time seemed to stretch as Cecelia and other doctors meticulously worked to undo the devastation wrought by the bullet's impact.

Despite the high stakes and intense pressure, the team remained calm and composed trying their best to save the man's life.

Even though deep inside all Cecelia wanted to do was take a breather and take another pill to help her remain stable, but there was no time for that.

With precision and skill, Cecelia carefully reconstructed the shattered bones and meticulously reconnected the damaged nerves, while the others occupied themselves by checking his veins.

"Heart rates steady. Oxygenation stabilizing." Leya informs with the mask over her mouth as the situation slows down and she double checks the heart monitor.

Hours passed in a blur of intense concentration. Finally, as the last suture was tied and the monitors displayed stable vitals, a collective sigh of relief swept through the room.

The surgery was a success.

"Nice work, guys." Dr. Toress says and all the surgeons in the room step back for a deep breath, removing their gloves and masks.

The young man laid-back still, his face now swathed in bandages and pipes buried deep into his skin.

"Especially you, Cecelia. You did amazing." Dr. Toress compliments her and carefully removes his gloves, stretching his veiny hands.

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