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Cilia laughs uncontrollably as they walk in the hall of the building, with her knees neatly giving out. Daze is still early coming down from all the road rage but her laughter can't help but lift his mood.

"I can't believe you shouted knob head to that poor man." She calms down as she wipes her tears with the pad of her fingers.

"I admit I was driving bad, but that tosser nearly crashed into me. Fucking pissed me off." He complains while running his fingers through his hair in frustration and Cilia continues to enjoy his anger.

"Your accent appears even more when you're angry." She admits while coming down from chuckles and he looks at her.

"Are you going to keep making fun of me, Cilia?" It gains a smile on his face as he apply his door pass code.

"Yes and I don't think I'll ever get over the term knob head for dick head." She responds and he shakes his head, chuckling at statement.

Once the door successfully opens, Cilia follows Daze inside of his home from behind and nearly gasps out at the size of the penthouse. The large windows, the clean lines, and the way his house seemed to harmonize with his creativity all over his walls.

If it wasn't canvas on the wall, sculptures sat around neatly on the table and the shelves. Books, stacked neatly on the sides.

"Did you make all of this?" She asks in disbelief while her eyes slightly widen.

"I'm afraid so." He responds and she continues to gasp at everything she comes across.

"Make yourself comfortable, I'll be back in a second." He turns to her and Cilia nods, while stuck in complete awe.

This is an art museum within itself.

"Yeah, I'll be right here, admiring your pieces." She says and he smiles as he walks into the studio room, leaving Cilia alone in the living room.

She was amazed by the overwhelming beauty that surrounded her. The walls were filled with colorful paintings, each one telling a unique story. Sculptures of various sizes and shapes dotted the space, on the shelves.

"Are you sure you're not Da Vincis relative?" Cilia blurts out while being distracted by a drawing of a realistic hand.

Daze's deep chuckle travels to Cilia in the living room, "I'm pretty sure we're not related in any way."

As she wandered through the spacious room, Cilia couldn't help but feel a sense of connection with the sculpture that sat on the top shelf.

A sculptured skull, carved with careful detail that she wanted to see up close. On her tip-toes she extended her arm to the top and wiggled her fingers grunting.

With a slight mistake, she carefully brought it close until she suddenly lost balance.

Before she would fall to the ground, Daze dashed to her and grabbed her waist before grabbing the sculpture that nearly went shattering to the floor into his other hand.

It sat on his palm as he held Cilia around her waist. The first thing he asks is, "Are you okay?"

"Is your sculpture okay?" Cilia looks into his eyes and at the sculpture in his other hand as they remain in the same position.

With her eyes on his sculpture, it slowly shifts to Cilia right infront of him, he stares into her bright brown eyes, filled with concern.

"Are you sure it's not broken?" She asks softly with her body heating up at how close Daze is, as well as his hand low on her waist.

What the hell is happening?

"It's not." He responds too early without even thinking about it and Cilia gulps.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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