chapter 10

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The tank opens as everyone exit out. Donnie activates his flashlight as they walked to a strange vine like sewer.]

Leo: Feeling a lack of rush in this rush hour, right?

Donnie: I don't know, Leo. Something feels... off.

Mikey: Don't worry. I won't let us die. I'm a mystic warrior!

Donnie: "I feel better already," he said without a hint of sarcasm.

Leo: Look, the stairs. Sneaking in from below was the right move. Those smileballs will never see us coming.

[Everyone gasped as glowing eyes shined bright. Leo turned and saw a mouth shooting tentacles at him.]


April: We tried to jackhammer it, flamethrower it, throw acid on it. I thought lasers cut everything! How did that not work? There's not even a scratch!

Splinter: Maybe it was your aim.

April: Maybe your big rat head got in the way.

Splinter: I'll show you, rat head.

April: Okay. Deep breaths. You said some things, I said some things. Maybe we should just get back to saving the world. What's next?

[An alarm went off. April and Splinter saw the krang outside.]

Splinter: This cannot be good.

[April grabs a nearby motorcycle and drove out. with Splinter. they began chasing after them.]

Sister Krang: Come back here!

Splinter: Faster!

Donnie: I knew this was a bad idea!

Mikey: Leo, there's too many! We should go back!

Leo: No! We're gonna get to those stairs.

Donnie: Leo, we're not gonna make it! We have to turn back!

Leo: We push forward, get Raph and Nova, that's final.

[One of the vines knock Leo back. An overgrown vine separates them, revealing a half subway bus, half krang, roaring at them.]

Mikey: Mystic hands!

[Mikey tries to use his time travel portal, but Donnie shield his little brother as the alien smashes down.]

Leo: Donnie! Mikey!

Mikey: [Sees Donnie's shell broken.] Oh no. Donnie. You're soft shell. You're exposed. We got to find shelter!

[they retreat into the tank]

Donnie: Oh. Keep it down, Vomitello! Keep it down, daddy.

[The vines lifted the tank up as the turtles yelp. Meanwhile, April and Splinter are still being chased.]

Sister Krang: Run, insects, but you can't escape!

[The krang knocks them off the motorcycle.]

April: Don't!

Sister Krang: The key, human. Give it to me!

[April quickly lifted a baseball and threw it at Sister Krang. She threw more until she pinned her down. The teenage girl grabs the chemical and smashes it into the alien's face. It cried in pain as one of her eyes was gone.]


April: I knew that stuff was nasty! I told y'all.

Splinter: Yes. You're a genius. Let's go.

[They dove off. Meanwhile, Casey and Leo are still fighting. They ran dodging, the monster's attack. As the subway monster lands, cracks form around. Casey and Leo leaned back as they fell into the whole.]

April: Donnie, come in. They found us. Where should we go? Donnie?

Donnie: We're trapped. We are trapped in the subway under metro tower. The tank is running out of emergency power and being covered in some kind of krang bio growth. I repeat.

[A robot arm grabs a nearby battle shell for Donnie.]

Mikey: April, come quick! We're getting squished!

April: We're on our way.

Splinter: But April, how will we get them out?

April: I got an idea.

Splinter: Yeesh. Remind me to never get on your bad side.

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