chapter 19 ending

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10 years later.

The turtles and Casey and April all grown up. April married to a high school friend named Liam with two kids. A boy and a girl. And Casey still a single guy but a great ninja master like Leo.

Leo: There were dragons when I was a teen. Oh, there were great grim sky dragons that nested on the cliff tops like gigantic scary birds.

Mikey: Little brown scuddly dragons that hunted down the mice and rats and well-organized packs.

Raph: Preposterously huge sea dragons that were 20 times as big as the big blue whale.

Donnie: Some say they crawled back into the sea leaving not a bone or a fang to remember them.

Casey: Others say they were nothing but folk tales to begin with. I'm okay with that.

Nova, now wild, notices the strange-looking group of turtle men and humans in a boat. She flies over and lands on the bow of the boat and gives Leo a wary look.

Leo: Hey. Hey there, bud. Remember us?

(Nova continues to eye the turtles  suspiciously and slowly advances toward them. The two children cringe in fear and hide their faces while April comforts them.)

April: It's okay.

Leo holds out his hand while turning his head away. Nova sniffs Leo's hand and immediately recognizes her brothers and friends. She then embraces the turtles while tackling them to the deck of the boat.)

Raph: Oh! Ah! Oh-ho-ho. Hey, I'm glad to see you, too, bud.

(Nova jumps around the turtles excitedly. April shows a relieved look on her face.)

April: Ah! She's not not gonna eat your uncles.

(Nova starts licking the turtles  faces.)

Mikey: How's the extended family?

Casey: Look, it's okay. They're friends.

(The two children look up and watch.  Nova nuzzles their faces and licks them again.)

Donni: Ah! Come on!

(Nova turns her gaze to Liam and April's children.)

Casey:  Here.

Liam: Go on. It's alright.

(Liam gently nudges the two children and they nervously approach Nova.)

Leo: Come. She won't hurt you. Hold your hands out. Like this. That's it.

(Leo and Donnie helps them each hold out a hand. The two children cover their faces in fear.)

Donnie: Let her come to you.

(Nova gently presses her snout against the two children's hands. They both gasp and look amazed. Later, Leo and April's daughter fly on nova. Leo throws her at one point and then catches her. Bandit flies beside them with his three baby dragons and Casey on his back. One baby dragon does an invisibility maneuver and reappears. April and her son fly on windslasher and whoosh past Leo. Leo gives nova gentle pat, and  catches up to windslasher.)

Leo (v.o.): Legend says that when the ground quakes or lava spews from the earth, it's the dragons letting us know they're still here, waiting for us to figure out how to get along.

(April's son dismounts and rides on Nova, while April's daughter dismounts and rides on windslasher. The other guys ride on their dragons which are monstrous nightmare, triple strike, and stormcutter. )

Raph (v.o.): Yes, the world believes the dragons are gone, if they ever existed at all. But we New Yorkers... we know otherwise. And we'll guard the secret until the time comes when dragons can return in peace.

The end.

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