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Chapter 4

My head falls back as his lips deliciously attack my neck and his hands were roaming my clothed body. I jerk in surprise and moan when Johan nips the curve of my neck meets my shoulder. God, I couldn't handle more of this torture, I wanted more. I wanted him.

Johan took his time moving his hands up and down, almost as if memorizing every dip and curve on my body. It felt almost too...intimate. So to break what felt like emotional intimacy, I brought my hand down and squeezed his bulge which was definitely not small.

"You drive me insane." He whispers, breathless, against my ear. I smile and turn my head to nip his ear.

"That makes both of us." I whisper back and he pulls back, his eyes on my lips. Johan crushes his lips against mine and we're at a war for dominance. Tongues and teeth are clashing, making me cream my panties even more. Of course, Johan ends up winning and now has me up against the wall with my legs wrapped around his slender torso.

Somewhere along our frenzy kissing, our clothes was removed and the next thing I knew, his large member is inside of me. I hiss and wiggle my hips to diminish some of the stinging that accompanied Johan's thrust. He stays still while I adjust to his cock and when I do, I slightly bounce on him. Johan gets the message and slowly thrusts a couple times before speeding up. He cups my ass and squeezes my soft flesh, using it as leverage to slam into me. I try to muffle the noises that escape my mouth, but a few escape moans escape and I feel my climax coming—

"And that is where my dream ended because I was woken up by my mother." I smile and clasp my hands as I finish telling my best friends about the incredible dream I had about Johan last night. I look between my best friends. Jackie was fanning herself while my sweet Via was tomato red and had her face covered by her hands.

"That's hot. If only you actually knew how he was in bed." Jackie clicked her tongue and sighed.

Sad, but true. A few weeks ago, I slipped Johan a note—after riling him up a bit—to meet me in the janitors closet by the automotive wing. I was one hundred percent certain that he was gonna come, but I stayed in that closet for an hour before I realized that he wasn't coming. I can't lie and say I wasn't disappointed, but I was. The feeling of rejection slowly started coming up, but I quickly crushed it down. He wanted me. I know he did. It'll take more to win him over, but I'll succeed. I've taken my seduction to the next level. I've been wearing either skirts or dresses to his class and when he looks up at me, I spread my legs so he can see my bare cunt. Risky, I know. But the thought of getting caught is what makes it thrilling.

"Isa, we appreciate you feeling comfortable to share details, but you know how I get when sexual intercourse is involved." Via groans.

"Tsk, tsk. SEX, my sweet Via. S-E-X." Jackie loudly spells it making Olevia groan and sink in her seat. I chuckle and shake my head at my best friends. Jackie slightly chuckles at Via's shyness and looks towards me, "So, what's next with your Seduce Papi Johan Op?"

I place my elbows on the table and cup my face with both hands. "I'm gonna be honest, I haven't thought of it yet. But when I do, it's gonna finally break him."

We all stay silent, thinking about what I could do next. Well, I'm pretty sure it's just me and Jackie thinking about it. I jump when Jackie slams her hand on the table.

"I got it! Give him a blow job." I choke on my spit and Via quickly moves over and pats my back.

"You mean in the classroom?" I gasp out and clear my throat.

"Well, yeah. Wherever you think of."

Jesus Jackie. My best friend was officially crazy, "A blow job in the classroom is hella risky, Jackie. I don't know if I want to do that." Hypocrite, as if you weren't exposing your pussy to him already. My subconscious told me. Ugh, the bitch was right. "I don't know about a blow job, yet, so I gotta think of something else."

"Well," Jackie let's out a heavy sigh, "that's all I have for now. Olevia?"

Olevia looks up from her phone and frowns, "Don't look at me! You guys know I'm not good when it comes to that stuff."

I smile, "It's okay, Via. I wasn't expecting you to say anything."

Olevia looked relieved and continued texting on her phone. Of course, Jackie being Jackie called her out on how much she was texting.

"Who are you texting?" Jackie tries to look over her shoulder, but Olevia moves her phone away. Something Olevia never does, unlesss...

I gasp, "You're texting a guy!"

Olevia turns bright red and I know I've caught her, "No!"

Jackie gasps, "You bitch! Who is it? Does he go here? How'd you meet him?"

"Ok! Ok!" Olevia sighs, "Yes, I'm texting a guy, but it's not like you guys think. He's in my chemistry class and part of the tutoring group I'm in."

"Hmmm." Jackie wiggles her eyebrows, "Is he hot?"

Olevia turns even more red, "Maybe."

"Show us a picture!" I said.

Olevia bites her lip, but moves around in her phone before flipping it over to show us. And hot damn! If I wasn't into Johan, I'd definitely do this dude. You would think that his bulbous nose would be the first thing you'd notice, but it was actually his eyes. He had these light green-hazel eyes with a broody look to them. He had—what looked to be—the softest chestnut curls, full lips, and a strong jawline.

"Dayum!" Jackie's jaw drops as she stares at the hunk of man on Via's phone, "Holy shit, Via. If you don't get that, then I will."

Olevia laughs, "No, guys. He's just a classmate."

"But why is he texting you? You guys have a group chat right?" Olevia nods, thinking about Jackie's question. "Then how come you're the only one he's texting right now?"

Olevia shrugs, "He's only asking about our next chemistry test."

"But he could've asked the group chat."

"I don't understand what you're trying to insinuate, Jackie." Via rolls her eyes.

"My sweet Via, for someone so smart you can be completely oblivious." Via opens her mouth to defend herself, but Jackie raises her hand stopping her. "I'm sayyinnggg...that homeboy likes you." Jackie smirks.

"What?" Olevia's eyes widen, her cheeks start to glow red, "No, he doesn't."

"Oh yes he does."

"He's only asking about our stupid chemistry test!"

"I don't knowwww." Jackie sings out and grins. "I think our Via has an admirer."

"Ugh, whatever, Jackie." Via grumbles and looks back down at her phone. 

I giggle at my best friends bickering and looked at Via, "What's his name?"

"Nicholas." Via blushes, "Nicholas Zafeiriou. He's Greek."

"Ooooh, we got ourselves a Greek god. Exotic." Jackie wiggles her eyebrows, "I'd like me one exotic man, please!" She exclaims and points a finger in the air. We all giggle at Jackie's goofiness.

I look at the time, "Hey, guys I gotta get going. 2:00 class starts soon, but let's see each other again tonight."

"I'm down." Jackie stands and slings her backpack over her shoulder and Olevia follows suit.

"There's a frat party this weekend! We should go!" I scrunched up my nose in disgust.

"Frat parties? They're not fun. All it is is sex, drugs, and alcohol."

Jackie shrugs, "We don't have to do any of those things though." Okay, she has a point. What could it hurt?

"Alright, fine. Text me the details."

Jackie squeals and places a big kiss on my cheek, "Yes, bitch! I love you guys! Stay safe! You know we can't trust these motherfuckers these days."

Oh lord. "Yes, mom!" Olevia and I both chuckle. I look back as I walk away and watch my best friends leave.

So I'm not sure why, but I seem to always end my chapters with this trio hehe
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