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Y/n's POV:

It happened again today, everyday my mind would drift to Kazutora's last letter, it was sad and I really felt bad for him.

It also felt so wrong not to reply to this letter, I felt the need to comfort him, to tell him that he isn't a bad person, he was played, he was manipulated and he lost so much already because of all that.

I wonder what is he doing now? How is he feeling?

The first week after that last letter I was thinking about him a lot but I thought it's probably because I got used to the letters but it's now two months since that assignment ended we are already in our summer vacation yet I can't stop the urge to write letters to him again.

Yet again I don't understand why I care so much about him, we only knew each other for one month, I don't even know what he looks like?

"I don't think writing to him again will be a bad thing, right?" I mumbled to myself while eyeing my desk.

It's not like he can hurt me when he is in juvenile.
I don't even think he wants to hurt me at all.

It's crazy to assume that given what I know about him so far but.. something inside me is assuring me that writing to him is the right thing to do.

I opened my drawer where I kept his letter reading his last letter once again, everything in this letter felt like he was just emptying his thoughts on this piece of paper, he didn't think the words through, he didn't try to beautify the truth, these were just his raw and pure emotions.

It somehow looked like he needed someone to see him and all he did and tell him he wasn't a bad guy.

I put back his letter in the drawer once again and automatically took a pen and a piece of paper, finding my true well to write to Kazutora once more.

Dear Kazutora,

Bet you didn't expect this letter, well neither did I actually if someone asked me if I would keep writing to my juvie penpal after the assignment is done I would have said no, but after your last letter I felt the need to write back to you, I felt the need to tell you that you aren't as bad as you think you are, you made a mistake but that doesn't mean that you don't deserve people to talk to you because of it, and to prove that to you I want to keep writing you letters if that's okay with you, you don't have to write back, I would appreciate if you did but still no pressure.
I hope your days still have a bit of color in them cause you deserve it.

I put my pen down and folded the letter placing it inside an envelope without reading it, not allowing myself to have second thoughts.

Few days later: Kazutora's pov:

"Kazutora!, mail" said the officer, my eyebrows forrowed in confusion, I didn't receive any mail in two months since that last lettt from y/n.

I brushed it off, maybe it was Draken after all he was the only person who wrote me letters aside from y/n.

I took the letter from the office and placed it on my bed, since it's Draken I don't need to read it immediately, he isn't waiting for my response anyway, I think he is only sending me those letters to show his forgiveness, forgiveness that I don't really deserve.

I decided to get use of my library privilege and read a book to pass the time.

After an hour I went back to my cell and the first thing I saw was the letter sitting there, it felt like it was staring at me, I sighed and sat in my bed and opened the letter but this letter wasn't what I expected at all, it wasn't from Draken.

It was from y/n.

Same handwriting, same genuine words and the same feeling of warmth I felt while reading her letters.

That feeling I never felt while reading any letters from anyone, not even from Baji.

And what even made me feel warm inside is her way to convince me that I wasn't a bad guy, even though she doesn't know me she could claim that I'm not bad, even after all I told her about my past.

But she was wrong, I was indeed a bad guy, a murderer.

But maybe I can be that good guy while writing to her, maybe for once I can be a decent person.

With this thought in mind I went back to the Library to write to her again.

Dear y/n,

It's true I didn't expect to receive anything from you again but it was indeed a happy surprise.
Thank you for your kind words and I would appreciate it if you kept writing to me and I'll write you back as well, being your "juvie penpal" might have been the best decision I made in a very long time so I don't think I'll stop doing that as long as it's okay with you.

My days have been getting more gray as they pass but I can see a splash of color appearing starting now.


I finished the letter and submitted it to an officer to send it before returning back to my cell, feeling more lighthearted now than at the beginning of today.

I wonder how long it will take for her to realize she made a mistake but till she does I'll become the good guy she claims.

I'll enjoy this little bit of new color in my life as it lasts.

A/n: have you guys read the latest manga chapter? This chapter broke me for real

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A/n: have you guys read the latest manga chapter? This chapter broke me for real. Poor Mikey and Shin.

Anyway hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, have a great day/night, love you all.❤️

To my dearest Kazutora (Kazutora x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now