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Few years later:

"Soo, did you decide which college you want to go to?" Kazutora asked.
I groaned and banged my head on the table lightly.

He chuckled "guess not".

A few years have passed and now I'm in my last year of highschool it's crazy how fast time passes many things have changed my personality has changed a bit and I became more sociable, my interests had changed but one thing remained the same and this thing is Kazu, we kept doing our monthly visits and exchanging letters and we became so close that it's safe to say he is my closest friend.

Who might have thought a school project can make you gain a best friend?

Today was one of those monthly visits and since I'm now known to the officers they sometimes let us spend more time together maybe 10 more minutes.

I glared at the said boy "well you can help me decide instead of laughing at me, tell me kazu what job you think will fit me?"

The boy hummed and thought for a while " hmm, well what about engineering, you know since you are a weirdo who likes math"

"I'm not a weirdo!"
"Well you like math, so that's weird enough for me" he shrugged.
"It's just because I'm smart and you can't even use your brain" I also shrugged.
"I can... I just don't want to" he said "i bet if I do I'll be better than you at math"
"That's a stretch, don't you think?" I raised an eyebrow at him "but back to the main topic, I don't really think engineering suits me that much".

"You draw so well too, that portrait you drew of me on my last birthday is probably the best thing I ever have, so what about you study art? Also books you like books, so maybe studying literature?"

My heart swelled hearing this, that portrait took me a few weeks to make i had to draw it from memory since I didn't have any pictures of kazu, when I gave it to him he was so surprised and happy with it and said he will keep it with him all the time.

"Well, I do like art and literature, I don't think my parents will approve tho"
"They aren't the ones going to college tho"
"You do have a point, but still I need their approval"

"I understand that but in the end what really matters is what you want, not your family and definitely not me" he smiled "you still have time to decide so don't rush and think about all the options you have, just remember to tell me what you choose in a letter or when we meet again".

I smiled, this was one of the reasons why i became close to kazu, those moments when he reminds me that I'm the one who controls my own life and no matter what happens no one should take away my life from me.

"Visit time has ended!" The officer announced in boredom.
Kazu sighed and stood up "years passed and still I can't get over how fast time goes by when I'm with you"

"Yea, I totally get you" I gave him a sad smile.
"Well, one day we won't have to end our time together like this, so wait for me y/n, will you?"

"You already know the answer to that" I  smiled.
He chuckled and turned around to be escorted to his cell "see you soon y/n!"

"See you!"


Few weeks later:

I have decided, I will study literature, when I told my parents they told me to think again cause there are better things to study and more "useful".

But I already made up my mind, we can't all be engineers, doctors, etc some of us have to be the people who give beauty to this woeld we live is, some of us have to be the artists and to me this is as useful as being an engineer.

So now what's left is to tell kazu my decision.

Dearest kazu,

I finally decided to study literature, my parents don't like the idea but your words were enough to make me stick to what I want, so I wanted to thank you for always encouraging me to do what I love and want.

I already sent a few college applications, so wish me luck! I'll let you know when I hear from any of them.

I might visit next week since I have some free time and we can talk more about all that.

Send me a letter soon, I'll be waiting!


I folded the letter and put in in an envelope as always, but before sending it I decided to spray some of my perfume on it, why? I don't know maybe I just wanted him to know it's my letter without even opening it, maybe because he mentioned before that he liked how I smell, maybe I just wanted to send a part of me with the letter.

I don't know when I started to think of him a bit different but all I know now is that he can make my day the brightest by a simple gesture, a smile, a compliment or even a bit of teasing.

Maybe because he was different from everyone I know, maybe because he is my only guy friend.

Maybe because ..... I like him.

My eyes widened at this realization and I quickly shook my head.

"Noo, I can't possibly like him, why would I even like that dork" I said to myself and with that I went to post my letter.


Kazutora's pov:

"You have a letter" the officer said.

Those few words always make my day, no matter how many years have passed I always get excited for her letters.

It's as if that's a proof to my demons that she is still with me that she haven't abandoned me.... At least not yet.

I might not show it but the worst thing I fear now is her leaving, even tho it would be fair if she did, why would a perfect flower like her get stuck with a criminal like me, a monster who ruins everything he touches.

I tried to push the negative thoughts away and took the letter from the officer.

Immediately catching a whiff of a sweet scent, a scent I grown to love and it made me smile.

I opened the letter and the more I read the more my smile got bigger, I probably looked like an idiot but I didn't really care.

She will make a great writer.

And as always I wrote her a letter as well.

Dearest y/n,

I'm so proud of you for sticking your ground and going for what you love, I'm sure you will do great and when you become a writer I'll be the first person to buy your book, so will you sign it for me?

You will find a little gift from me in the envelope, I wish I could give you more but sadly that's all I can do for now, when I get out of here I'll give you a proper gift.

I'll be waiting for your visit, we can talk more when we meet.


I put the letter in an envelope along with an origami flower I made for her, I honestly felt embarrassed only giving her that, but I wanted to give her something.

A little thing that might show some of my feelings to her.


A/n: I really hope you like this chapter, I don't know if I should keep writing this story or is it getting boring, so let me know.

I hope you have a great day/ night love you all ❤️

To my dearest Kazutora (Kazutora x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now