And then there were 10

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A bus stop, as Ken, Dipper, Mabel and Diana was seen in front of a shack, call the Mystery Shack.

Dipper: Ever since Dad shipped us up north to a sleepy town called Gravity Falls, Oregon, to stay at our great-uncle's place in the woods.

The four were in the attic, unpacking their belongings.

As Mabel was seen hanging some posters "This attic is amazing. Check out all my splinters!"

Dipper went to his bed and seen a goat on it. "And there's a goat on my bed."

"At least yours doesn't have rotten smell." Diana gagged, holding her noise.

Mabel walk up to the goat. "Hey, friend." She hold out her arm, as the goat chews on her sleeve. "Oh! Yes, you can keep chewing on my sweater." She laughed during it. "I'm gonna call you Gompers."

Dipper: My sister tended to look on the bright side of things.

Mabel was seen rolling on the hill grass. "Yay! Grass!"

A woodpecker was seen pecking on Dipper's hat, who have a notepad and a pen, while Ken was playing on his 3DS playing Super Smash, while Diana was on her laptop.

Dipper: But the rest of us was having a hard time getting used to our new surroundings.



"Ahahahaha! Hahaha!"

An elderly man with a large orange nose, big ears, glasses, shave marks, grey eyebrows, a tuxedo, and a red fez with a golden symbol on it, as he took off his mask.

Dipper: And then there was our Great Uncle Stan. That guy.

Stan slaps his knee and coughs several times and hits his chest. "It was worth it."

Ken: Our uncle had transformed his house into a tourist trap he called 'The Mystery Shack.' The real mystery was why anyone came.

Ton of strange statues was seen, as the Jackalope's antler breaks off.

Stan was seen showing his next big thing. "Ladies and gentlemen, behold! The Sascrotch!"

A Sasquatch wearing underwear, as the tourists start speaking excitedly, and snap pictures.

Ken: And guess who had to work there.

Ken was seen helping Dipper sweeping the wooden floor with a broom, Mabel was looking at stuff, while Diana was seen cleaning the windows, as the two boys sigh.

"Ooh!" Mabel was about to reach the large eyeball when...

Stan slaps her hand with his 8-ball cane. "No touching the merchandise!"

A young man with a dark green shirt with a dark question mark, beige shorts, socks and dark gray shoes, was driving the Mystery Cart to the Mystery Shack. This is Soos.

Dipper: It looked like it was gonna be the same, boring routine all summer.

Ken: Until one fateful day...

(Ben 10: Race Against Time - Rock Version)


A title appear saying.

Gravity Falls: Ken 10

(It started when an alien device did what it did)

Ken stared at the open pod, which contains a watch with a green hourglass.

(And stuck it's self upon his wrist with secrets that it hid)

Gravity Falls: Ken 10Where stories live. Discover now