Chapter 163: City Planning

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After dinner, Ouyang Shuo went back into his room and logged into the game.

In the game, he walked out of the room and looked at the cold courtyard. He was still not used to it. Usually at this time, Yingyu and Qing'er would have woken up and started to wash up along the corridor of the courtyard.

Now, it was such a big courtyard, but apart from the maidservants, there was only Ouyang Shuo.

Tossing away the emotions in his head, Ouyang Shuo picked up the spear and started to practice the Yang Family spearmanship technique. After this period of training, his Yang Family spearmanship technique could be said to have grasped a bit of its essence.

At 10 AM, Ouyang Shuo punctually appeared at his office.

Ouyang Shuo took up the blueprint on the table and started to examine it. This was the arrangement plan of Shanhai County, which the Construction Division had delivered yesterday. The chief designer was the Vice Secretary Hao Jiancheng.

Based on the plans by the Construction Division, the second city wall was 6 kilometers Long, 12 meters high, and 6 meters wide.

The only difference was that the second wall only had 3 sides, which was to say the second city wall didn't have a southern wall, building the eastern and western walls deep into the mountains and becoming one with the mountain range. To put it another way, the 4th wall was the mountain range itself.

As it had only 3 sides, although it was higher than the first wall, based on the work done, the second wall took twice as long to complete. Based on the population of Shanhai County, the Construction Division had the confidence to finish the second wall within a month.

After the second wall was done, it would take up 36 square kilometers, 4 times larger than the old city and it was similar to 3 Shanhai Towns.

At the same time, the city protection river had become an inner-city river, providing water for the residents.

During the Shanhai Town period, the drinking water of the residents was obtained from digging wells. In the future, not only drinking water but water used for daily uses and workshops could be collected from the inner city river, making it very convenient.

The second part of the Shanhai County planning was the reorganization of the city area.

Based on the organization by the Construction Division, Shanhai City would be split into 4 parts. The region inside the first wall would be called the core region. Using the northern part of the first wall as a divider, this would be called the northern region, and it would be the largest region, twice the size of Shanhai Town.

The eastern and western sides would be the eastern and western regions respectively. These two regions were small and took up half the space of Shanhai Town.

The core area of the city was split into north and south. The southern area was the brain of the whole territory and was similar to the old imperial palace. Based on the plan, the southern part was split into left, right, and middle.

The middle was obviously the upgraded lord's manor and the garden. The left was the government offices. The bureaucrats of the departments would be concentrated in this area.

The right was now the culture and education area. The Yellow Emperor Temple, Mazu Temple, Chenghuang Temple, Recruitment Hall, the private school and Lianzhou College were all located in this area. As the Mazu temple and the Chenghuang temple were places where residents always visited, they would be moved to the northern region instead.

At the same time, the private school was also moved out of the core region. As for the Recruitment Hall and Lianzhou College, they were moved to the northern side of the core region. This meant that the southern region's right side only had one building which was the Yellow Emperor Temple. The lord could only pray at the Ancestral Temple.

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