Chapter 184: The World Online

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On the 1st day of the 7th month at 4 PM, the last group of passengers boarded the galactic spaceship.

At 5 PM, the spaceships launched from all the space ports from all around the world. After they gathered in space, they formed a vast 1000 spaceship army and flew towards planet Hope.

The fleet brought the last hope of humanity and its thirst for a place of new life into the endless night sky into an unknown world. Based on the experience of the explorer squad, they needed at least 10 years before they could reach planet Hope.

At 8 PM, which was 8 AM in the game, a system notification sounded out.

"World notification: Earth Online has entered the state of the whole world being online. The game will undergo a huge patch, effective immediately. As for the specific changes, please go onto the official website to take a look."

Gaia had already set up the website in the game so players could visit it or the forums at any time to look for news. This was also the reason why Ouyang Shuo, who was an adventure player in the last life, understood so much about territory building.

On the website page, the top post wasn't about the new update but about a goodbye speech by the president to officially say goodbye to the Earth.

Most importantly, the president had revealed the secret regarding the asset tabulation.

During galactic migration, a significant portion of assets, houses, factories, machines, etc. were left on earth and were unable to be brought with them, so this caused many billionaires or famous people to become poor overnight.

The people of the world had in an instant become the same and had the same start. So when they got to planet Hope, how to measure one's assets was a crucial question.

If one didn't have any compensation, then it would be unfair to those who lost their fortunes, as these people had made so many contributions towards this galactic migration project.

The future planet Hope also needed this batch of entrepreneurs and artists to build a new society and contribute their strength. They couldn't exactly let an entrepreneur become a logger. This didn't make any sense and was a colossal waste of resources.

Furthermore, the fortune that they lost was caused by nature, and they couldn't have prevented it. The federal government had an obligation to compensate them for that.

Of course, they couldn't compensate them all the riches that they had lost. As this sum had already been left on earth, they needed to set up a new compensation system.

To make a logical and fair system, the federal government worked with many mathematicians and economists to come up with many numbers and ideas. They also had to debate with the financial groups and multinational corporations, and it was certainly not an easy task.

In the end, the federal government with the help of the brilliant calculation abilities of Gaia decided to compensate everyone. To make this system work, they also created a new term which was achievement value.

This meant that their personal assets were weighed against a compensation value and what they got wasn't financial data but an achievement value.

The reason why they didn't get new financial data was that most physical assets were left on earth and an economic system without fixed capital was a bunch of useless numbers which couldn't buy you anything.

Achievement value was going to play an essential part in planet Hope. It was similar to merit points, which players could use to buy different permission levels.

The federal government split the permission levels into SSS, SS, S, A, B, C, D, E, F. Nine levels, different permission levels would get you different resources and different statuses in society.

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