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(Everything is back to normal P. O. V)

The following morning I woke, sat up and stretched a big stretch all while yawning.

I glanced over at the window, light just barely shining through the curtains. I stood carefully and walked over to move the curtains aside and glance out the window.

"Why must you open the light at this ungodly hour?" Asked a voice scaring me...so naturally clumsy me jumped and bumped my head, making me fall.

"I...why. Why are you in here?" I questioned once realizing it was Jon. "Why must you be in here at this ungodly hour? Hmm?"

"This is our chambers remember? Our chambers. We share it now." Jon stated rubbing his eyes and slowly standing, making his way over to me.

"Ah right. I don't believe it. If it was our chambers you would've been in the bed too."

"Are you changing your mind about me now?" He offers his hand to help me up.

"Me? Never, unless you do something that just instantly swoons me." I stated and took his hand.

Hoisting me up I now stand still quite smaller than Jon, looking up.

"What does one have to do to officially swoon you?" Jon asked, a small smile appearing on his face.

"A lady shall never reveal her secrets..."

I start to leave the room before Jon stops me. "Where does the lady think she's going now?" He asked.

"Breakfast. As if is wasnt obvious enough."

Jon looks me up in down. "Breakfast...in that? Nonsense you wore that last night. I shall ring your servant Lilith and she sha-"

"Jon, no. No need. I shall dress my self just...step out. Please."

"I'm afraid I can't do that milady."

"Why? Itching to see every inch of my skin?"

"No. Last night the talk I had with father. He told me not to let you out of my sight."

"Jon. The windows have metal bars. You really think I can slip through?"

"Knowing you you'd find a way."

"Out. Or else I'm going to breakfast in this."

"Fine." Jon walks out and closes the door.

Now. How does one simply choose a breakfast dress?

After looking for what felt like a long time there's a knock on the door. "Are you ready yet milady?"

"Just a second dear Jon, I may need help tying in the back."

Jon opens the door, good thing my back was to him. "Here could you tie this in the back please?" I asked him holding out the strings.

"Yes." He took the strings in his hand and tied them in a perfect bow. I turned and face him.

"Perfect." He smiles.

(I imagine a small white tying around where the top half and skirt meet

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(I imagine a small white tying around where the top half and skirt meet.)

"Fit for a princess?"

"A queen. For for a queen."

"Right. Thanks."

"Off we go. Breakfast time awaits, and another chat with father."

During breakfast I got to learn more about my husband to be and his childhood, giggling and the king told me embarrassing stories.

"I cannot believe you still wetted the bed at 13! Really Jon?"

"No! That's not true. I was potty trained. I just had too much tea before bed."

"Mhm.." I laughed.

"Alright. On a more serious level...there's one more step before you all get married." The king said stopping his laughter.

"The date?"

"No. Well sort of...but no."

"Him actually proposing?"


"Then what is is father? Even I don't know!" Jon exclaimed.

"Have you forgotten how your brothers went about in their lives?"

"No father...they bore you a child, but if it wasn't a son...you..no father. I can't. She won't."

"What won't I do?" I raised an eyebrow.

"When my brothers found a girl, in order to make sure the family name was carried out..father ordered that the two bare a child..before marriage. If it wasn't a son...the child would be sent off..and they would keep having kids until a son popped out."

"What are you saying?"

"Father wants me to put a child in you. If it's a son, then we're safe and can continue. If it's a daughter...then she shall be sent away, and we shall try and try again."

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