First Date...?

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It had been a regular evening in hell, or at least as regular as it could be when you were living in a literal hell.

Regardless, our protagonist for this evening was currently eating at a fast food joint, the name of which he didn't care to learn, death made you way more apathetic than you'd think, especially after you dealt with the depression of finding out you were sent to hell for reasons you didn't understand.

His name was Anon, a suspiciously human fellow that stood out like a sore thumb in the middle of the vomit of colors and pointless extravagant details that was the demon race.

Still, he had been enjoying his evening for the first time in forever, a surprising lack of explosion, death threats and sex requests as he enjoyed a simple meal in peace, fast food being pretty much the only decent thing he had since he got here.

And then she showed up.

He suddenly heard someone sitting in the seat opposite to his, and always afraid of the very real possibility of getting shanked for no reason he looked up, revealing the invader on his table to be a gothic Hellhound girl, probably around 20 and admittedly very attractive if not for the scowl on her face, why was she here?

"First date and you seriously take me to some crappy fast-food joint? Ugh, if you weren't so cute I'd have dumped you already" the invader groaned, already starting to eat his fries.

And if Anon was already confused, now he was frozen speechless.

"Who...Who are you again?" he managed to say after a quarter of his fries was already gone.

The hellhound only acknowledged him with a stare before she went right back to casually eating his fries.

"I'm Loona, your girlfriend? What is that Hamburger poisoned or something?"

A very real possibility but he had checked, twice, so she wasn't a hallucination... probably.

"By the way, can you pass me the chicken nuggets?" the newly named Loona asked, and without even thinking Anon pushed the treats closer in an automatic response.

As she started nibbling he took to looking at her again, he didn't know her, not even as an acquaintance he was sure of it, he'd know considering he still hadn't met anyone here.

"Is this a scam or something?" the human asked with a raised eyebrow, getting ready to get up and bolt out the door at any sign of danger.

But Loona only laughed at his fear, and suddenly the newcomer found himself staring straight into the eyes of a hellhound. And he couldn't help the blush that suddenly rose to his cheeks, this girl was truly beautiful, he didn't want to think something generic like her eyes was rubies or something but those shimmering crimson eyes and white irises were probably the second most beautiful thing he'd seen since he got here second only to the woman they belonged to.

"Do you want it to be a scam?" she asked casually resting a paw against her beautiful face "I could take something from you if you liked" Loona said in what was probably her best seductive voice.

And suddenly any attraction or trance Anon felt vanished into confusion.

"What does that mean?" he asked.

And like lightning the sultry look was wiped from the Hellhound's face, her eyes widening in surprise and embarrassment like the rug was just pulled beneath her.

"I-I don't know, figure it out" she huffed, looking away with surprisingly red cheeks.

"Are you...shy?" Anon questioned hesitatingly, the human only knew Loona for all of five minutes but he could feel this was wildly out of character.

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