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Luna's pov
I'm putting the sword away when I hear "lady lannister" it's king daemon. I huff "what your Grace?" "I wanted to apologize for how we started out" he tells me. I say "I wasn't aware there was a we your Grace" he sighs "I'd like for us to be civil" "we're talking and I'm not trying to cut your throat. Civil" I point out.

What does he want from me? He's a prick. I want nothing to do with him but yet he's seemingly everywhere. Doesn't help that my brothers insist we take a room in the redkeep for our stay. "I said things I shouldn't have lady luna" he tells me. "Lannister" I correct. "I'm your king.. I think I should be allowed to call you your name" he huffs. "I'm a lady of casterly rock. A lannister. My name is lady lannister" I reply giving him a look.

"Everyone else calls you it" he points out. "That's because I like them. I don't like you. Or men like you your Grace" he raises his barely visible eyebrow "men like me? Lady luna I assure you there are no men like me. There's just me" I ask "so there's no pompous, arrogant, disgusting, cruel men alive...just you? That's surprising to me because that's what seems to only exist anymore"

He sighs "I do admit that I've treated you and talked to you in a way that isn't acceptable my lady. And I apologize." I note the way he's acting "you've never apologized before have you?" He shakes his head "I've never cared enough to or bothered to my lady" I tell him "my brothers told you didn't they?" Of my lost love, how I came in the possession of Apollo.

"They did. That isn't the only reason I'm apologizing. What I said was wrong" he replies. I ask "what do you want from me, rogue king. There's something you're playing at. What is it? Be bold" "what makes you say I want something lady Luna" he asks and I decide to not waste my breath on correcting him. "Everyone does. It's how the world works daemon. Everyone wants something and if it's not given, it's taken. So tell me what do you want?" I ask.

"You're here for marriage. And I'm to look for the same. For someone worthy of being a queen and handling those responsibilities, and carrying the future kings and queens of this realm, as well. The other ladies are not worthy. They only want the jewels and status. And it seems you want neither luna." He replies. I scoff "so you want me to marry you" I add "you don't even know me" "I'm the king. I have time. We have time. We can get to know one another. Court. See how it goes. And in the mean time you can do the same with others if you do wish to do so and if we truly do not get along, or truly do not want anything else with one another we go our separate ways. And if it works out. Like I think it will...I'll propose properly. Ask your brothers for your hand and ask. Even then you'll be free to say no" he pitches to me.

"Fine" I huff knowing it's what my brothers would want me to do. My heart still belongs elsewhere. And I think it always will.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2022 ⏰

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