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I leave my blonde waves the way they are and see my brothers. Jason says "it's about time you wed I think" I give him a look "last I checked it wasn't your decision, Jason" my triplet Tyland chuckles "told you she wouldn't be up to your idea brother. Our sister is a lion through and through" Jason says "if you join a good house it'll be good for ours"
"You know my stance on marriage Jason" I remind him. I don't wish to do so. The only man I loved and will ever love has been killed. A part of me has died with him. Tyland grasps my shoulder "sister you must move on. I'm sure he'd want you to be happy. And so do we. If you truly do not wish to wed you can do so for convenience or not at all" "Luna you need to wed. I'm sorry for your pain and loss but you need to try atleast" Jason sighs kissing my head.
Duty...I have a duty. I nod "where?" He nods "the capitol. Rumor is that daemon our new king is looking to be wed" I huff at the thought of him. Everyone knows he's cold, calloused and a whore. "I'll pass" I tell him. Tyland chuckles "sister you'll be queen of the seven kingdoms if he chooses you." "I'd be his queen. Just another trophy and someone else to use. Being queen isn't worth being with a cold calloused whore" I tell them. "There's many lords there now. The season has started. You need to try" Jason says and I mutter "fine"