Horror Phase

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"the creep's on it again" the girl's cackle ignoring his existence. . things like this don't effect him anymore. 

he  proceeds to put up pamphlets for his club 'third eye'. it was quite easy to think of a name and a logo.

"u-um why's there a skull with a single eye-" 

Damian's eyes sparkle as he looks up to the owner of the voice, getting offtrack in his trail of thoughts as he scans the pale face and pitch black eyes.

"s-sorry uh i'm blake!" the cute boy says as he extends his arm for a handshake getting uncomfortable with Damian straight up checking him out.

glancing briefly at the extended hand and then at the face, Damian blinks briskly a few times, turning and walking away. A strange sensation at his nape.


Many people preferred to stay away from the 'creepy boy with white hair' and were even kind to advise the new kids to do the same.

but the one who hated this creepy boy the most was the boy himself, Damian.

As if trying to rip off his white hair wasn't enough, he even tried to stab himself in the eye because his eyes were as pale and calm as the snow under the soft moonlight. but he hated it.


Hearing the lunch bell, meaning he has to get out of the washroom and actually become social once again.

Damian began to adjust his dark brown lenses and was, as usual disgusted by his 'ugly' eye color.

The distinct voices of boys echo in the bathroom walls and Damian could see them moving around.

 rolling his eyes, he almost dropped his phone as the stinging pain in his nape continued to throb. He grasped the area with his hand and covered his mouth with the other so that boys outside don't get the wrong idea. 

the ape-like voices died out and Damian's pain faded. he swung open the door and it made a loud bang, louder than he intended to... 

Hoping no one heard him, he walked out carefully avoiding his reflection in the mirror.

"OoW" Damian winced as he lost his balance and tripped. a moron had bumped into him, a pretty one with glossy blue hair.

"i was looking just for you" he holds up the 'third eye club' notice. pointing at it he says "can i be a part of this fascinating club please pweasee~"  he looks down at Damian who's still lying on the floor with pleading eyes

"oh uh sure" 

"...why are you on the floor..?" he asks tilting his head cutely

"oh you know just chilling" Damian says trying to act cool for no apparent reason.

The cute boy chuckles showing his smooth dimples and extends his hand to help Damian up.

Damian, staring at the hand cringes at how he avoided Blake's handshake and decides to take this boy's hand.

Mischances just happen to follow Damian everywhere.it just does.

the boy doesn't make any noise as he crashes down to the floor with Damian. He had literally hung himself from the boy's hand-

Being accustomed to his ill-luck, and the awkward silence that follows, he tries to avoid it."Damian" he breathes out. "and you..". he waits for an answer as he glances at the boy lying beside him still in a daze 

"uh i'm Morton" 

"cool name, Mort" Damian says actually holding a conversation even when his life is not on stake.

Naturally, as if they've been doing this for years, their hands meet for a fist bump.

There is no time for them to talk about their amazing telecommunication skills cus there is a teacher standing right infront of them.

It takes them about a minute to realize how long they've been laying there.

Damian just manages to hear the teacher's moronic high pitched voice over their hasty rustling of clothes and bags

"Detention~" he chuckles and leaves

"what's with that reaction-" Mort nudges his sides 

"well, i can spend that time making plans about my club" Damian said closing his eyes. 

"our" Mort amends glancing hopefully at Damian

even before Mort could hear Damian's answer, he was jumping up and down 

"hey come back here!" Damian shouts as he chases Mort in the corridors. He lunges forward and jumps onto him, Mort gladly offers him a piggyback ride.They both reach their detention class laughing and fooling around, the stinging at the back of his neck is back again.

"are you okay?" Mort asks with a worrisome look on his freckled face

"yeah just some stinging right here" he says pointing to his nape.

Mort gets behind and examines the neck for some visible scar.

"BUT IT'S NOT FAIR! that stupid faggot-"

Damian could feel Mort flinch.

"not another single word Blake Colon" the teacher walks out proudly leaving the three boys alone.

as soon as the teacher turned around, Blake offered a shower of whispered curses and swears literally jumping

"did i hear something?" the teacher raises his eyebrows

"no~" Blake answered his eyes sparkling with innocence

Mort and Damian were clenching their teeth, almost laughing

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2022 ⏰

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