Hangry as a Yandere

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* Due to his I love eating ribs and hungry sadistic nature, he will be the one you MUST try to escape from.

* He sees you in zone 2 and let me tell you this piggy's love for you might be stronger than the hunger he has for ya.

*Hangry makes sure he just scares you by bursting through walls like Kool-aid man but tells his clones to hide ya if Lucky is out and about.

*He hates sharing the zone 2 area with Lucky but has no ill-will towards him at all. Hangry just loves to hear your screams and frantic footsteps whenever you see him.

*If you don't like hugs, well get use to them because this pig will pick you up and give you a big hug. He's careful not to hurt you or break any bone in your body.

*Jealousy only happens when he hears you talking to Bierce while you're collecting soul shards or chatting away with Penny. Everytime Bierce talks to you he interrupts with a jumpscare by busting through the wall chasing you before you could answer.

If you and Penny are having a important or engaging conversation, he'll just pop up with a plate full of ribs and forced himself into the conversation which doesn't work as he justs sits back and listen to your Convo and eating his ribs.

Poor piggy.

*He loves to talk to you and say sweet things to you like, "Hey sugar, where ya going?" "Careful now! You almost tripped!" "Stop running and take a break with me, we can eat ribs!"

*He may be in love with you but that doesn't mean punishment isn't out of the question if you misbehave. Like for instance electrocuting him and his friends. You ruined his mouth, so he's gonna break your jaw.

But if it's small things like lying to him or not eating your food, he'll give ya a small slap on the wrist or just stare at you with those menacing eyes of his until you correct your error.

He'll give ya three chances to make it right but if you don't, expect to be thrown into a room like a rag doll, have your arm bruised, or not having any food for a week. You're a soul trapped in this hell so there's no need for you to eat but the deafening silence will drive you crazy.

*Just because you got the ring pieces doesn't mean you can escape him. If he catches you and knocks you out, he'll bring ya to the big man and take his ring pieces back and maybe letting the pig keep ya as a reward.

*Hangry's patience is somewhat average and thin. It depends when he's very hungry or hungry for your attention. He'll keep chasing you around, holding you in his arms when walking around the park, and cooking up some nice fresh ribs straight out of of a corpse--I mean straight from the fridge!

*Hangry is in love with you, obsessed, even going as far as to compliment your ribs, or how good your ribs will taste. This terrifies you greatly, just because the notorious P.I.G is crazy in love with you, doesn't mean he won't try to rip your ribs out from your body.

*He might lick the outline of your ribs on your skin and may bite there a few times just to leave his mark. When he reached to bite the bone you screamed bloody murder, that didn't stop him as he bit down harder drawing blood even. It took him to stop when you cried out his name.

He will stop immediately to comfort you and may lick the blood from your wound. He will gather you up in his arms and tend to your wound then give ya your favorite snack and drink to eat to make up for it.

When you looked into his eyes as he was biting your rib bone, it looked like his eyes were clouded in bloodlust and sadism. You were terrified of him but he always makes up for it in the sweetest ways possible. If you can call it sweet.

*You'll be sleeping in his arms. No exceptions. Deal with it.

*Hangry will gaslight you into staying in joy joy land with him forever. He just has to remind you of your dirty deed that got you here in the first place. You'll be a crying putty mess right in front of him. And he will keep going until you stop any means of escaping him.

Thanks to a certain nightmare monster.

*Lucky doesn't care if Hangry keeps his new toy, just as long he keeps it out of his sight. Penny always call them squishy and sometimes give them make overs if Hangry allows it. Don't expect Penny to help you because she will snitch and Lucky is damn sure not gonna help you escape.

*You're stuck with hangry until he gets bored of you and kills you. Or if you don't return his feelings, attention, and affection...kiss your ribs goodbye.

"Hey darlin', I made dinner...just for the two of us.~"

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