Jimin's Special Winter Wonderland Chapter 50

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After Jimin reviewed the inventory of the kitchen he found that it was well beyond stocked with plenty of essentials for the Korean and non-Korean cuisine. He decided a nice charcuterie platter would be nice. So he placed several different cuts of meats (sausage, salami, and prosciutto), he placed grapes, cheeses, crackers, and olives. After he was finished with the platter he was quite pleased with himself. It looked amazing and almost too pretty to eat. Next Jimin hit the wine cellar and chose a 2016 7 Moons Merlot. The cellar had every variety of wine from the least expensive to the kind you would need to refinance your home to even just sniff the cork. He left those alone, although Jin had left a note that he could choose one bottle from that list if he so chose. He didn't. Once he had everything he felt they needed he went back into the master bedroom where Jungkook was sitting on a chair by the sliding glass door watching the fire he built so masterfully. Mesmerized by its warmth and flames.

"I brought us a little snack." Jimin said placing the platter down on a table between the two chairs by the slider.

"Oh my God! That looks amazing babe. You out did yourself." Jungkook said taking a piece of Italian hot sausage and popping it in his mouth. A couple seconds later he was coughing harshly. "Whoa! What the hell!?! That shit was fucking hot! I need something to drink, like now!"

"Fear not my love." Jimin says pouring a glass of wine that Jungkook chugs in one swallow.

"Hey! Don't do that! You'll get drunk too fast." Jimin said in shock.

Jungkook coughs and sputters, "I needed to put the fire out in my mouth."

"Well that'll teach you to just pop something in your mouth willy-nilly." Jimin says laughing.

"I've popped you in my mouth and my mouth never burned like that." Jungkook says bluntly.

"Different kinda meat love. Different kinda meat." Jimin says.

"Well I'm thinking I need to get me some of that." Jungkook says looking at Jimin with a side-eye.

"Oh, you will and I believe I'll be getting some of yours too. It's a Mutual Dick Admiration Society." Jimin said giggling.

Jungkook picked up another cut of meat and some cheese, but before he popped it into his mouth he sniffed it to make sure it wasn't something spicy. Jimin poured Jungkook another glass of wine that he took slowly to enjoy this time.

"UuuUuuum. This is good. I love a good Merlot." Jungkook said.

"Yes, this is very good." Jimin says swirling the wine in the glass and watching for its legs.

They sit watching the fire and talking about the wedding and reception. How everything went off so well. No real hitches.

"You know you looked amazing. Almost too good for me." Jungkook said with so much love in his eyes.

"I am too good for you. I just lowered my standards." Jimin says giggling at his burn.

"AH!" Jungkook yelps as he tosses a piece of cheese in Jimin's face. Hitting him right in the forehead. "I think that's the other way around, don't you?" he returns.

"No, were just good enough for each other." Jimin says with his eye to eye smile. "I love you."

"I love you more." Jungkook counts.

"I love you better." Jimin returns.

"I'll love you longest." Jungkook recounts.

"I'll love you into infinity and beyond." Jimin doing Buzz Lightyear's pose from Toy Story.

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