My Family, My Fans, My Team Are My Top Priority Chapter 11

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"What the fuck was that all about?" Yoongi asks surprised at Jimin's reaction at the Champions table. "You can't honestly be that upset that Jungkook won, can you?"

"No, Yoongi. It's not THAT he won. It's WHAT he's won that makes me angry." Jimin says through gritted teeth.

"I thought you weren't going to place bets with him." Yoongi questioned.

"I wasn't but he had me cornered and wouldn't let me go without it." Jimin starts pacing his hotel room with his hands on his hips looking down.

"Please, for the love of all things holy that you did not bet yourself." Yoongi asked fearfully.

"God no Yoongi, but it might as well be me." Jimin sighs out.

"Well, what could be that bad of a bet to get you this angry?" Yoongi asks.

"I have to tell him." Jimin says.

"Uh, okay, but tell him what?" Yoongi is looking at Jimin with confusion in his eyes.

"I have to tell him why." Jimin furthers.

"Okay, still a bit confused. Why, what?" Yoongi asks.

Yoongi watches Jimin as he walks over to the bar and pours whiskey in a glass and throws the whole glass back in one shot, then looks at Yoongi and says " Why I won't date Poker players.

"Okay so, you just tell him because you've been burned before." Yoongi says easily.

"No, Yoongi he is not gonna let it go on just that. He's gonna want to know what happened. He's gonna want to know about Sungwoon." Jimin says. "I prefer to keep that aspect of my life my own secret."

"Jimin, I have watched you over the last few years glide threw life like a sheet of ice. Cold and nothing touches you. You haven't dated anyone since Sungwoon whether they were a Poker player or not. You have stood cold and aloof and keeping the possibility of true love distant. So what if this kid could be the one? The one that melts your heart? Doesn't give a shit about the fact you're a 6 time World Poker Champion and just really wants to get to know Park Jimin. The Park Jimin I know. Why?" Yoongi finishes.

"I can't feel that pain again. I won't." Jimin says.

"Jimin, he's not Sungwoon." says Yoongi. "Among all the people I know you are the only one who doesn't have someone. Do you know how sad it makes me? Also, how uncomfortable it makes it to talk about my relationship or anyone else's because I don't want you feeling like a third wheel to the conversation?"

"But I don't feel that way Yoongs." Jimin says trying to sound reassuring.

"You may say that but admit it to yourself because you know it's true." Yoongi says.

"Then tell me what am I supposed to do?" Jimin asks pouring another whiskey but sipping it this time.

"Give the kid a chance. Tell him the truth. See what he says. If he says 'okay' and walks away then he wasn't worth it BUT if he stays give him a chance...then think about it Jimin. He seems to put in a shit ton of effort trying to get to know you. No one is telling you to declare your love for him but at least take baby steps and see if he is really worth it. Stop playing sex games and make him earn the real you. He might be the best thing that ever came into your life but he can't possibly be the worst. You've already had that." Yoongi finishes his lecture.

Jimin thinks about it twirling the ice in his whiskey glass. "Fine. I'll think about it." Just as he finishes the drink his phone starts to ring. "Well guess who?"

Yoongi gives him a sly gummy grin.

"So Jungkook, congratulations at your win." Jimin says answering the phone.

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