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Shouyou Hinata

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Shouyou Hinata


"Who was that?" Dad had a smile on his face as he walked over to me. Something about it put me off, but I simply shrugged the nameless worry off my shoulders.

"He's a friend I made. He's pretty... cool."

"Haha, I knew you'd make a friend here! Congrats, Shouyou!"

A hand smacked my shoulder blade in a strangely affirming sorta way. His excitement was odd, but I know he's simply excited to see me making a new friend.

Unknowingly, a smile began drawing itself on my face, a warm blush following on my cheeks not long after.

"Yeah, I know lately it's been hard for me to hold onto friends but... I think this friendship will last, really!"

"Yeah? That's good, then! I'm happy for you! This is really good!"

"Uh, thanks..?"

Atsumu Miya


Every day for the next two weeks, Shouyou and I were hanging out, having sleepovers, or talking over the phone.

Every time he told me he had gotten something new, like his new latte maker or the small rug to put by the bed, I felt my excitement for him growing.

What'll he get next? How's his therapy going? What's he doing right now?

Each thought consumed me more than anything ever has. I even found myself putting my work to the side sometimes just to pull my phone out and text or call him.

It's not love. There's no way I'd fall in love with him.

One question burned my brain like a hot iron.

What would he do if he found out I'm the one his parents arranged for him to marry?

That question haunted me every waking moment I spent with an angel like Shouyou. And, again, I'd have to force it into the back of my head today, as I'm preparing for Shouyou to come over to my house.

It's my penthouse, more or less, where I come to cool my head and think about things over a tall glass of wine and a nice view of the city.

Shouyou knocked, I let him in.

"Atsu-San!" He greeted me with those flushed cheeks and that bright smile that always had a way of brightening my day.

"Good morning! Guess what?!"

He bumbled in, and I helped him take his coat off and hang it up. I noticed a cup holder in his hand with two large coffee cups inside it.

"Yer as energetic as always," I couldn't help but laugh, "What's gotcha so excited?"

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