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Eleven years later-

Hadrian was in his room reading a book when Hermione - his twin - yelled from down stairs at the door to get their parents and tell them there was someone at the door to see them. He went to mum and dad and told them. Then they all went down stairs to join Hermione, where there was a strage woman standing at the door dressed in robes and a witches hat. "Was it Halloween already?"  He thought to him self. It turns out it was not, the woman, Professor Minerva McGonagall is a witch and was explaining to them they that they to were magical and with that Professor handed Hadrian and Hermione Hogwarts, school of witchcraft and wizardry acceptance letters. He was a wizard.

The next day-

Diagon ally was so cool first they met up with Professor McGonagall and she gave them pouches enchanted to take money right from their vaults and with that they started to go through what they needed. First, robes it was a good ten minuets they spent getting fitted and it was fun to. After the fitting it was time to get books they got all the standards then got to pick out one that was just for fun light reading, Hadrian got Quidditch Though The Ages and  Hermione got Hogwarts, A History. After that it was wands. Hermione went first and got a lovely wand that was slightly ivory with lovely overlase like ivy and its characteristics were like this: 10¾" long, made of vine wood, and possessed a dragon heartstring core. And Hadrian hade to go through 20 wands till he was paired with a wand and its characteristics were rare and oddly simplistic: 11" long, made of birch wood, and had a core of a single drip of the sun; and if you were going to ask how they go that he had no idea. Then it was time that we got to get pets at first we were not aloud to but our parents gave in.  Me and Hermione searched the store till we came upon two cute kittens one of which seemed to be the runt o the litter and naturally Hadrian started reaching for it when someone behind him presumably the shop keeper said, "Hadrian Granger choose wisely is that the cat you would like?", Hadrian looked down at the small gray kitten in his hands and replied, "Yes, it is." and with that Hermione grabbed the other. They named them Jerry (Hermione's) and Simon (Hadrian's).

 They named them Jerry (Hermione's) and Simon (Hadrian's)

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