Part 30

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With Erin and pat went up to the shooting range

P: I'm not as good as you do take it easy on me

E: Of course plus i can teach you something things if you want

P: Yea I'll like that

E: Jay told me you liked baseball

P: Yes i thought the boys how to play when they were younger

E: Jay never told me he could play

P: Give him a son and you'll see

E: maybe i will

P: Yea

E: What was their mom like

P: She was beautiful an amazing person and mother but feisty just like you

E: Really

P: Yes you are so much like her  the need to protect your love on and everything if she was still here she would love you , your what she's wanted for her baby cause all she did was baby him and i fought with her telling her he would never become a man if you keep babying him but i was wrong he went into the army now he's a detective and he's even more man that me but don't tell him that

E: I won't but you sound just like my dad

P: What to you mean

E: Well Jay's by far the best detective in his unit and he would tell everybody except Jay

P: It's just a pride thing , I'm not gonna judge you but we're you and Jay back together while he was still married

E: Yes but it was most family dinners he  wanted to be around Elizabeth read her bedtime story's it wasn't really about us it was all about her

P: I get it he wanted to make up for lost time her

E: Yea it was good seeing them bond No all she wants is daddy time

P: Yes and i want my son's to get along

E: I talked Jay into being the bigger person and talk to will

P: I just need them to be brother's again

E: They will

P: What about you and them

E: I will forgive will but Natalie no she called my baby girl a whore and that's not forgive able

P: I get it now let's do some shooting

E: Yea she say while taking it her guns and the shot the traget

P: Damn

E: Your turn

P: Okay he said as the shot the target at the bottom

E: Not bad 

P: I guess not

They shot a couple more rounds then got borded

E: You wanna see something fun

P: Yes

Erin our the safety on her gun they throw them up in the air and they spin as they came back to her

P: How did you do that

E: These she said taking off the small metal clips in the pam of her hands , You wanna try

P: Yes

Erin put the melt clips in pat hands then hand him the guns

E: When your ready throw them up

P: Okay he said before throwing them and they spin as they came back to him , That's awesome

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