Dream Realm

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Luo Binghe was happy, he was married to love of his life, shizun wasn't trying to run away now, Shen Qingqiu let the young demon to spoil him rotten, he even called Binghe husband! 

So, Luo Binghe never asked the questions hanging in his head, eating him alive. Questions like why did Shizun had two separate sets of memories, why did that rat Shang Qinghua (He is your Shishu, Binghe.) Called him cucumber and w̶h̶y̶ h̶e̶ p̶u̶s̶h̶e̶d̶ B̶i̶n̶g̶h̶e̶ o̶f̶f̶ T̶h̶e̶ A̶b̶y̶s̶s̶ what was internet? 

Luo Binghe had lots of these questions but he never asked for the fear of making his Shizun angry. Luo Binghe was ready to live  rest of his life with these unanswered questions untill he opened his eyes in Shen Qingqiu's dream realm. There was a chance Shen Qingqiu wouldn't remember this happening when he woke up so Binghe decided to ask some questions. 

He approached the person sitting on a weird but comfortable looking chair, but didn't get too close. He knew this was his Shizun, at some point in time at least, but Shizun didn't know him yet, he might try to run away again. 

"Luo Binghe?" Asked a very shocked not-so-shizun. 

"Yes, that would be me. May this Lord know who he's speaking with?" Luo Binghe asked carefully, would Shizun be afraid if he spoke too casually? Either way, he couldn't take the risk.

"Th-this lowly one's name is Shen Yuan." Said Shen Yuan, he looked a bit like Shen Qingqiu, with softer features and bigger, black eyes. He was also very pale, a sickly pale Luo Binghe didn't like merging with his Shizun. I̶t̶ b̶r̶o̶u̶g̶h̶t̶ b̶a̶c̶k̶ s̶o̶m̶e̶ u̶n̶w̶a̶n̶t̶e̶d̶ m̶e̶m̶o̶r̶i̶e̶s̶.

"Shen Yuan needn't to be so formal, he can call this one Binghe." Luo Binghe requested casually, Shen Yuan didn't look like he would run away, instead he had the look his Shizun had whenever he thought Luo Binghe wasn't looking. Shang Qinghua called it 'simping'. Had his Shizun called him by his title knowing who he's actually talking to, Luo Binghe would loved him all night.

"Then, can this one know why did Lord Binghe come here?" Shen Yuan asked while fixing the round framed glass thing on his face (it was most likely something to help with sight). Luo Binghe noted that his nose and lips were smaller than his Shizun's, Shen Qingqiu had a more graceful beauty but Shen Yuan was adorable! 

"Well, i was just passing by but i got curious about this.. world." Luo Binghe heard Shen Yuan mumble under his breath, it sounded suspiciously like 'This is the best dream ever!'. 

While Shen Yuan was busy admiring Luo Binghe in his mind, the said demon walked all the way to him. 

Shen Yuan was pulled out of his thoughts by a hand holding his chin, making him look up. 

Luo Binghe congratulated himself for making Shen Yuan so flustered just by holding his face. "Would A-Yuan be so kind to enlighten this Lord about his hair? What grave crime did he comit to have his honour fouled?" 

Shen Yuan became even redder with the name, his blush was starting to spread over his neck. 

'He looks like a cherry,' thought Binghe, 'adorable!' 

"U-um, its simply cultural difference, in this world men usually have shorter hair." Shen Yuan managed to answer, his eyes never leaving Binghe's face. 

Luo Binghe hummed, "This is interesting, this Lord wants to know more about A-Yuan' s culture, would he give more information? And I also wonder what are all this.. metalic.. tools? Most of them emit light but i don't see any candle." 

"Well, i don't know that much about everything but i will do my best to explain all about the culture and the technology!" Shen Yuan exclaimed with excitement. 

Shen Yuan's Dream Realm (One-shot)Where stories live. Discover now