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"C-Chan?" Eunho stuttered

"Listen- I just wanna apologise..." Chan said

"F-for what?-" Eunho asked

"For treating you like shit.....Im really sorry.." Chan apologised

Eunho smiled

"Its fine....." He said and hugged Chan

Chan smiled into and hug

"So were good now?" He asked

"Yes" Eunho nodded

They both smiled at eachother


Hyunjin walked towards the kitchen because he was a bit bored

He was suprised to see Junho there cooking

"Uhm...Hello" Hyunjin approached him

"Hi.." Junho said

"U-uhm...Your Eunhos lover right?" Hyunjin asked

"Yes I am, Is there something wrong?" Junho asked

"N-nothing....I just wanted to ask what was your name"  Hyunjin said

"Hmm....Its Kim Junho why?" Junho hummed

"Kim Junho..... Kim Junho....." Hyunjin tapped his chin


"Hello whats you name?" Hyunjin asked

"M-my name i-is...J-Junho...K-kim Junho!"


"Hey are you okay?-" Junho asked


"What?" Junho asked


"Uhm yeah" Junho scratched his neck

"Im Hwang Hyunjin! You know the one with black long hair on third grade?" Hyunjin asked

"OHHHHH!" Junho smiled

"Its really nice to see you again" Hyunjin smiled

"I really do wonder why you werent there on fourth grade.."  Junho said

"Oh...We moved away from there...We went to Seoul" Hyunjin explained

"I see" Junho said

"You remember on third grade? When you fell down the slide?" He chuckled

"HEY! NO BRINGING THAT UP!!" Hyunjin hit him


Eunho and Chan were going back to the kitchen but they heard laughing

They sneaked into the kitchen and what they saw surprised them

Hyunjin was laughing and hitting Junhos chest who was laughing too!

Ofcourse the two were jealous by this and they let out their phermones as they cleared their throat

The twos eyes shot at the two

"C-chan..." Hyunjin whimpered

"Eunnnie~" Junho whined

The two smiled

"What were you two doing, hitting each other like that?" Chan asked stroking Hyunjins hair

"W-we just t-talked b-because~ we were friends~~" Hyunjin whined

"I see" Chan chuckled looking at Eunho and Junho tickling eachother


"Well we have to go now..." Chan said

"Yes...But what about Jeongin? He wont go out!" Hyunjin whined

"Hey dont worry, Me and Junho will take care of him!" Eunho said

"Hmm but how will we prepare?" Chan asked

"Well Jeongin can stay here and then we can bring him when yout wo are done, this also gives you guys some free time" Eunho winked

They all shared a laugh before bidding their goodbyes.
Chapter 36 ends

Weird fact but Jeongins birthday is after mine 🙈

Theres a typhoon coming and im scared



Thank you for reading

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