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Eunho gulped at the sight of his ex fiancee and his lover

"Uhm.....You decided to visit" Junho broke the silence

"U-Uhm...Yeah" Chan muttered

"Why are you here exactly? Do you plan on taking Eunho?" Junho asked straight to the point

"No...Uhm were here to actually see Seungmin" Chan said

"And why is that?" The dog asked

"Jeongin wanted to have a play date.." Chan said and pointed at the small boy

"Hai haii~" Jeongin smiled

Eunho smiled a bit and whispered something to Junho

"Fine you may go in" Junho said

Hyunjin and Chan smiled as they walked inside

Eunho frowned at the small little boy staring at him

"S-Seungm-minnie.." Jeongin pouted

"Cmon Ill take you to him" Eunho offered

"O-Okay..." The boy hesitantly said before climbing up Eunhos arms

Eunho smiled and took Jeongin to Seungmins room

"Seungmin-ah~" Eunho sang and opened the door

He pouted immediately after looking at the boy reading alot of books

"Did you not sleep seungminnie?" Eunho asked still pouting

"Nooo" Seungmin shook his head

"Hmph I dont like you anymore Seungminnie" Eunho faked

"Noooooooooo!!!" Seungmin whined

"Sewungmin~" Jeongin let out

"Hewooo" Seungmin waved

"Seungminnie you promise you'll sleep later okay?" Eunho asked and out up his pinky

"Yews" Seungmin put his pinky

"Oooh! Oooh! Mew too!!" Jeongin joined

"Okay I will leave you two here. Ill go help your daddy with something" Eunho said and the two nodded

"Hyungie lets cowwo!!!!" Jeongin smiled

"Okay Innie" Seungmin smiled


Eunho closed the door with a sigh

"Eunho can we talk?"

His eyes widened looking at Chan.
Chapter 35 ends

Sorry for like not updating for 5 dayssss T-T

Ive been so busy



Thank you for reading

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