Chapter 1

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Summer has passed, it's finally winter, strong white winds covering everything in snow, lights flashing all around the sky, it's quite yet very loud, is that even possible?...Maybe, now that the world has changed from the last time it was winter.

"Unidentified creature reported." Soldier repeated into the walkie talkie.

"Stay on high alert." A static voice replied from the device.

"It's out, sir!" The soldier suddenly alert.

"Is it human?"

"I can't tell, sir."

"I can't see clearly because of the snow."

Maybe the snow is not as pleasant as it used to be.

"Moving in for closer visual."

"It looks human!" But is it?

This winter made everyone question things they never would've questioned before.

"Visibility is compromised."

"Remain on standby until visual is confirmed."

"It keeps approaching, sir!" The soldier getting more frantic as the figure approaches.

"What should we do?"

"Units on standby at the bridge."

"Standby to shoot."

"Do not approach."

"If you don't stop, we will shoot." The soldier announced into a megaphone.

When the figure approaching doesn't respond to the command, the last option remains "Alpha Team is ready, over."

"Snipers in position."

"Visual confirmed."

"Ready to fire."



"It's such a shabby place! Why do you want to live there?" She shouted, for what would be the hundred-th time.

"Maa it's not that bad, and I've told you the people are nice." Haneul tried to reassure her.

It wasn't a lie, the people here were questionable to say the least but they weren't bad, it was good enough.

She sighed "If something happens, you are coming back." She exclaimed "I don't care what you say then!"

Han let out a chuckle, laying down on his back "Yes maa whatever you say."

The line was quite for a few seconds, then she continued ".....I don't know why you wanted to leave so badly but don't be scared to comeback if needed, okay?" She assured in a quite voice.

The air around Han suddenly become thick, he let out a shakey breath "Hmm I have to go now. I'll call you later mum."

"Ok, love you Hannie."

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