More than a promise to make. A Fearless Vampire Killers fanfic

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Chapter one;   

     I had only left my home for ruffly one hour and already I had my regrets, I was starving, tired and in need of the toilet. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea that I left? but things at home were just getting too much and the stress was taking its toll, I needed a break from it all. I lifted my bag back onto my shoulder, catching my eye on one of my fresher cuts, I cant believe that such a bad family life made me ruin my body and leave home?

   I didnt even know where I was, i'd jumped on various buses, and ended up on a slummy looking dirty street, I could easily hop on a bus and be home, apologise to my parents, go to my room, listen to music, and feel okay. I knew it wouldn't be like that though, my parents would argue, i'd scream over my music, cry and maybe take a blade to my arm, I couldn't do that, no way, I had to keep on walking. If I found no where to stay I would find a shop opening to lie in, try and catch some sleep and see what happens when I woke up.

   The weather was actually decent for a night like this in England, there was a clear night sky, cloudless, but no stars. It was a shame it was so cold. I only had a thin tartan blanket for warmth tonight. I honestly havent thought this through have I?

  I found a little opening at the front of an amusments shop, I lay down my blanket, took out the sandwich I made myself and sat down, I could do with a little sleep, but that was going to be a bit of an impossible task seeing as I kept leaning back and hitting the security shatter, scaring myself a bit with the noise. 

  I had to of been away for at least four hours now, I checked my phone, my ipod, nothing, my parents couldnt care less that their 18 year old child was trawling the streets, I guess they could think I went out, but then again they knew I had fell out with most of my friends and i'm not the sociable type.

 I'm going to try and sleep now, hopefully I should wake up early morning and find somewhere to stay.


  Before I knew it, i'd spent three sleepless nights at the same area, I couldnt find a hotel or hostel anywhere near, I was royally tired, lost and hungry. I decided to take another trawl along the streets, the other direction this time, see if I recognised anywhere and if there was a nicer area to stay than where I was now, maybe I could get myself some drink, and drown my sorrows tonight?

  I reached a gig venue, it had two vans and a massive black bus, a band performing im guessing? I looked at some posters at the door..fearless vampire killers? who are they? I asked myself as I thoroughly read the poster, I guess i'll found out later. I carried on walking, i'd get drink, sit in my little shop opening and walk along later to see for myself, that sounded like a good idea..


  It was 11pm, I was a bit tipsy and felt sort of faint, I was in tears, all snuggled in my tartan duvet at the door way of the amusent opening, music had stopped about ten minutes earlier, and people where starting to crowd along the streets singing, screaming and laughing..could they not shut up?

  I looked at myself in my ipod, my eyes covered in thick black three day old eyeliner,my hair all scraped back, I tried my best to wipe the worst of it off before getting up and walking towards the crowds of people. I was pale white, I had no specified expression, why did I have to look this way?

   As I approached the venue, thats where I saw him, a man wearing eyeliner, black hair and wearing a suit with white marks over it..who is he? I walked over, he was signing things.

"Laurence we love yoooou!!!" a crowd of girls shouted, he lifted his head and smiled.

I'm guessing his name was Laurence, I got closer, suddenly things started to become dizzy, these girls looked at my oddly, I turned my head to Laurence and he was looking straight at me, before I knew it, i'd passed out on the concrete floor.

More than a promise to make. A Fearless Vampire Killers fanficWhere stories live. Discover now