part 2

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As Kier lay in hospital, I began to think back of all the crap I put him through in this past month, he'd met me, bought me bands to cover my scars, stopped me from cutting, watched me leave to attempt to live on the street, found me and took me home out of the cold weather, saw the physco side of me and almost got seriously hurt by my dad..and now he was in a hospital bed, and I blame myself, I should of got him off, onto the pavement and got him to the venue for laurences party.

I looked at Laurence, i'd ruined his birthday letting this happen, I couldnt even cry, I was just in shock.

Melissa came up to me, putting her arm round my shoulder

"Its not your fault, its no ones, I know youre blaming it on yourself" she assured me, I know it wasnt my fault I got hit by the car, but I was blaming myself, Kier didnt deserve the blame, he'd helped me through too much in such little time. Kier was in a coma and I was crying because my parents argued? im a state for an excuse of a woman, I just wanted the world to swallow me whole and no one would have to care, but one thing that popped into my mind was..what if he couldnt remember me? his band? his life? what if everyone was a no one?

The next few days were spent by the hospital bed, Kier was still in a coma, but doctors were sure it wouldnt be long until we was awake, i'd had horrible dreams about horrible things and it scared me. I was really social within the group, I sat in Kiers room a lot sulking or reading one of Laurences books. Then again, no one really talked within the group, Laurence would read, if he wasnt reading he was playing guitar, and if he wasnt playing he would be at Kiers side. My dreams kept involving Kier waking up and not remembering a thing, not even Laurence, not even how to play guitar, or perform..that would ruin everyone, nothing would be the same, the future of the band, the friendships between them all..

Me and Laurence were at the hospital, we sat side by side on the plastic seating, he was fiddling with his thumbs, his fringe covering his face, as I sat biting on the side of my coffee cup from earlier, the nerves were starting to kick in, I was always like this before I got to see him lie there.

The doctor came out and nodded, the signal saying we could go in and be with Kier, we both got up simultaneously and walked to inside. It broke my heart to see him in this state hooked up to an oxygen tank, fuck.

Laurence circled round the room, humming nervously, while I sat kiers side,I took his hand in both mine..

"Kier, I know you cant hear me..probably, I dont know whats going to happen, but I love you, you're the best friend and now partner I could of ever asked for, ever, and i've kept my promise,look!..oh wait, youre eyes are closed, youre probably stuck in some horrible nightmare, im not sure..but i've kept my promise even though this whole situation has killed me inside, I just hope you wake up soon" I sobbed,putting my head on my hands,I felt movemement, but no, it'll just be me, I felt it again, oh dear god hold me, he's bloody moving!

I got up and stood infront of an awakening Kier Kemp.

"Laurence! Laurence he's awake!" I screamed, laurence immediately jumped to his side,Kier slowly opened his eyes, he looked around, scared, looking at the oxygen tank, at the beeping monitor, at me..

"Kier, you okay mate?" Laurence asked eagerly, he seemed so shocked by this, kier looked him up and down and smiled.

"Apart from the crap im hooked up on and the pain, im fine Laurence!" Kier replied, smiling away.

"Oh my god im so bloody happy!" I screamed, jumping, Kier just looked at me..Laurence laughed..but Kier just looked at me..

"sorry, who are you?" he asked, what?

I sort of froze, laurence looked shocked,I was shocked, can he really not remember me?

"C-Chloe, you're erm, girlfriend, erm" I struggled to say that, he just looked at me confused, but his mind was took off trying to remember when the doctor finally arrived to make sure he was okay.

I had to take some time out, call Melissa or something,i'm just hoping he gets some memory back and that Laurence helps out. I walked out the hospital and immediately dialled melissa.

"Hey chloe, is Kier okay?" she asked, she seemed super cheery today

"Hey, erm yeah he woke up, but he doesnt remember me" I replied, I was crying by this point

"Do you want us all to come up? see if he remember us and if he does we can all refresh his memory?" Melissa suggested, probably a good idea, so I agreed, and they'll be down in a bit

The hospital stunk of hospitals, funnily enough, but hospitals made me sick, if it wasnt for Kier, I would defnitely not be here. Laurence was sat talking to Kier, who was now slightly sitting up, his face was all bruised and he had broken his arm, but he seemed so happy to talk to his bestfriend. Laurence looked at me.

"This is Chloe, you were dating her before the accident, you helped her a lot with stuff, see those bands on her wrist? so got her them to cover up the scars, are you sure you dont remember her?" Laurence tried to explain, Kier still sat looking confused, I guess he really doesnt remember me.

The other guys quietly came in, he remembered them all, I guess he must only remember people he'd been with for longer than a month and a half then, I sort of felt left out, they were all talking and making sure he was okay and asking about his coma and what else he can remember. He seemed to remember everything but me, I found my self walking out, Drew turned round when he heard the door open.

"Where you going chlo-" he asked, Kier interrupted him, "Chlo?..I recognise that" he said, my heart skipped a beat, I wasnt sure what to do now.

I stood there, waiting to see if he would say anything else.

"Chlo..Chloe! Are you okay?" He asked, a tear sprung to my eye as I fiddled with the bands on my wrist.

"I..I think you and me both know I should be the one asking you if you're okay Kier!" I laughed, walking towards his bed as laurence moved over to give me room to take his hand. He gave me the same smile that I saw when we first met, the night he gave me water, the same smile he gave me when he gave me the bands to cover my scars, the same smile he gave when he helped me from my dad, Kier was okay, KIER WAS OKAY?

Laurence gave me his seat in fear i'd end up fainting, I sat down slowly and Kier tried his best to grip to hand, but he was weak and still ill, although just him remembering me made me happy.

His eyes went straight to my arms, Laurence saw where he was looking and prompted everyone out to leave us on our own, as soon as the door was closed, Kier took one more deep breath of his oxygen mask and look straight in my eye.

"did you,.??" he hesitated, bringing his other arm over and weakly try to move the wristbands off my arm.

"no, ive been too worried thinking about you, youre the one in hospital!" I accidentally snapped back "oh shit sorry, i didnt mean for it to come out like that" I apologised quietly. He just giggled before looking down at his leg, his face dropping.

"its broken chlo." Kier mumbled

"I know, its okay though, at least its only a broken leg and some bruises now! You'll be out soon and we'll all be together again, all seven of us, that massive family of ours!" I tried to convince him it was okay when i knew fine well that a broken leg means no gigs...unless he wanted to roll around the stage in a wheel chair and one leg in a pair of extra skinny girls jeans.

He just sighed in reply.

I felt like crying seeing him so physically hurt and upset.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2013 ⏰

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