04 | Knowledge and Prices

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"And why must I listen to you, dark beauty? You are no more than a harlot of my all-mighty master."

The rough voice that emerged from the strange being that was one of the servants of Narakasura irritated her ear, and she stayed her fists, her nails digging into her palms.

"I am no harlot, foolish servant. I am the beloved of your master, the most important to him; his queen." The words tasted like like acid on her tongue, but she kept reminding herself: this was for her sisters.

"Now," she forced her voice to echo with power she didn't know she had, "You will listen to me, and carry this message to your master: I wish to speak with him about an important matter."

"Yes, mistress," the servant bowed, cowed and scampered away.

She sighed, sagging back down against the wall, suddenly drained.

This is everything for my sisters. It is for them.

The sun had dipped below the horizon, allowing his counterpart to chase his numerous wives in the firmament when he came to her, donning his fair form.

"My lady, my love. You have called for me?"

She forced her bile down at his endearments, and smiled sweetly. She patted the seat beside her, not trusting her voice to say anything.

His unnerving green eyes took in her form, a base adoration twinkling in them like birds against the green of a forest.

She had chosen her best dress from what he had offered her, adorning herself with jewels. Her saari was a light lilac, tightly wound around her, revealing her curves. At her throat and ears shimmered pearls with a single inset amethyst, her bangles a slightly darker shade than her saari.

"My lord Bhauma—"

"Please, my love, just Bhauma."

She swallowed against a dry throat, taking a small sip of water as she smiled at him.

"After our last conversation, I had been left thinking. I... would like to get to know the one behind the commander of such a fierce army and the defeator of Indra, the person behind all of this. Will you join me tonight, my lord?"

She held a bottle of wine up, two chalices already set on the table. She knew she was taking a risk, but behind her façade a phrase kept repeating: this is for my sisters.

His forest-like eyes gleamed.

"I would love to, my lady."

He poured the wine into the two chalices, offering her one. She took a sip, not wanting to intoxicate herself. It left a sweet and dark aftertaste in her mouth, and she instantly saw the appeal. Out of the corner of her eyes, her captor downed an entire glass in one mouthful and poured himself another.

Nursing his second round, he looked at her.

She began, mentally praying that her play would come to fruition.

"My lord, one of the servants managed to spill about a new attacker at your gates. I did not hear much, but for one name: Krishna Vaasudeva. Will you not speak to me about him? I desire this."

She could see the surprise in his eyes. Good, I caught him off guard.

He recovered almost instantly, another smile with mixed emotions curving his lips upwards.

"Krishna Vaasudeva. What is it you would wish to know about him, my Queen?"


He hummed.

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