Chapter 4

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GOLF BALL: In my honest opinion, this has been a productive day for preparation. We have several bags and crates of food for us to take back to shelters.


GOLF BALL: Needle, come with me. Everyone else, go meet with Tennis Ball at the garden to see what his team has done.

COINY: Ooo, someone's in trouble!

PIN: Shut it, Coiny! That joke only works in an academic setting.

NEEDLE: (Everyone begins to walk off, and I look away from Golf Ball nervously.) I only slapped Nickel, and he's fine-

GOLF BALL: You're such a pessimist! If I wanted to hear that, I'd talk to Tennis Ball. This isn't about earlier.

NEEDLE: Oh. (I guess I overreacted..) What's up?

GOLF BALL: We need to recover Flower, she never turned up while we were gathering supplies. I should've known Rocky would strike.

NEEDLE: Didn't Ruby say that she was going to recover Flower? She seemed genuine.

GOLF BALL: Knowing her, Ruby probably got distracted by a butterfly or something.

NEEDLE: (I shrugged, because I wasn't sure about how much sense that made. We walked across the city and stopped right in front of the recovery center. Golf Ball tapped out Flower's name, only for a message to pop up.)

GOLF BALL: Huh? Flower's alive? But we saw her get destroyed by acid!

NEEDLE: My guess is that Ruby recovered her after all. (I looked around, scanning the street around us, when I spotted two figures nearby. One red, and one pink.) I think that's them over there.

GOLF BALL: No need to walk, I'll just shout. FLOWER! RUBY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!




NEEDLE: Nevermind. (I picked up Golf Ball and sped right over to the two. I dropped Golf Ball after, earning a glare.)

FLOWER: Oh, hey GB, hey Needle.

GOLF BALL: What are you two doing? You were supposed to help with gathering supplies!

RUBY: We were? Oopsies!

FLOWER: If I had known that, I would've shown up. Ruby found this old karaoke machine and sang the same WEIRD song to me for like 7 hours.

NEEDLE: (I questioned how that was even possible, until I remembered that Ruby had probably taken one of the pills. More energy.)

GOLF BALL: Hmph, fair enough. Ruby, I'll leave your punishment up to Pencil.

RUBY: Eh, that's ok.

NEEDLE: (If I had slacked off instead, I would've gotten an entire lecture..) Are all of us meeting with Tennis Ball now?

GOLF BALL: Yes! Ruby, leave the karaoke machine here.

RUBY: Awww..

NEEDLE: (The four of us walked over to the garden, where Tennis Ball seemed to have been finishing up some lecture.)

GOLF BALL: TB, how are both of the groups?

TENNIS BALL: Things seem to be going well so far, all things considered.

ICE CUBE: What does THAT mean?

NEEDLE: (Tennis Ball opened his mouth to interrupt, but suddenly, Pin accidentally tripped and popped Bubble.) Hard to say.

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