Chapter 1

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COINY: Pin, did you hear about the meeting that Golf Ball and Tennis Ball want everyone to go to?

PIN: What? That's crazy! We've never had an official meeting before.

COINY: I know, right? I told this to Tennis Ball, and he threatened to send me into the Locker of Losers using the wall teleporter!

PIN: Really?

COINY: Nah, I made that part up. Come on, we're meeting by the garden.

NEEDLE: Wouldn't Fries be mad about everyone disturbing it? It's his area.

PIN: I talk to Fries all the time while he's working, and he always greets me with a cheerful attitude and a sunny outlook on life!

NEEDLE: That's.. not true.

COINY: I don't see any problems with it, it just means that he can work while listening to whatever the announcement is.

PIN: What do you think it is? Maybe the viewers are finally letting Roboty out of the Locker of Losers? I certainly could use the red pigment, I tried painting myself and it washed away..

COINY: Nah, the votes will totally say Pen or Blocky should be released, they're my best pals!

PIN: Are you saying I'm not your best pal?

COINY: You're a co-captain, that's basically the same thing.

NEEDLE: (How come Coiny didn't say anything about me..?)

GOLF BALL: Finally, there you three are! You're all exactly 2 minutes and 7.63 seconds late!

PIN: Sorry, Golf Ball!

NEEDLE: We didn't mean to be late!

GOLF BALL: SHUSH! Now that everybody's here, we can finally begin the meeting!

GELATIN: So, what's this all about? I'm dying to know!

TENNIS BALL: Gelatin, you're supposed to be HELPING WITH IT!

GELATIN: Huh? Oh, right!

NEEDLE: (Gelatin ran off, and then came back with a concealed wheelbarrow of items. Whatever's underneath the covering, it's probably no good.)

GOLF BALL: According to my calculations, there's a big storm coming our way in about a week!

RUBY: Oh, a storm? That's a relief! I thought you were talking about something serious.

BOOK: But Golf Ball, we never get storms in Goiky..

TENNIS BALL: That's why this storm could be a serious threat. Who knows, for example, how stable the foundations of the buildings in Yoyle City are if there's never been storms? Perhaps a strong gust of wind during the storm could knock the buildings over and crush someone, or worse, the recovery center.

COINY: Well, we can just get a new recovery center from the Firey Speaker Box if that happens, right?

FRIES: Coiny, we haven't seen the speaker box in about three years, I don't think he's coming back.

PENCIL: What are we supposed to do? None of us have the energy to fortify an entire city in a week. I would know, Match and I used to take a break from productive work every 5 minutes!

NICKEL: We could just leave..

SPONGY: Nuh uh, I like it here.

GOLF BALL: I admit, I was struggling to come up with a solution, given that the city spans hundreds of miles, but then Gelatin offered up a solution with his chemical knowledge.

GELATIN: Thank you, sport sphere-

GOLF BALL: Don't call me that.

GELATIN: I was getting kind of bored of not being able to eat those delicious Growtatoes, so I made these pills that would make me not hungry anymore! That.. sort of backfired, because now they just make people more energized instead.

PIN: Hold on, you made them? How?

GELATIN: Some things are better off kept a secret!

NEEDLE: (What?)

GOLF BALL: I told him afterwards to keep messing up the pills so that we could have enough, and..

NEEDLE: (Golf Ball pulls the cover off the wheelbarrow with her leg to reveal several containers of pills. None of them are labeled, but apparently that doesn't matter.)


GOLF BALL: If everyone takes one pill a day, my hypothesis is that we will all have enough energy to reinforce the entire city from the storm, and then continue to be productive in everyday life.

BUBBLE: I dunno, I don't trust foreign substances..

BOOK: Have you even tested these on someone?

GOLF BALL: That's a good point. Yellow Face, come over here!

YELLOW FACE: Sure thing, GB!

NEEDLE: (Golf Ball tosses one of the pills into Yellow Face's mouth. At first, nothing happens, but then he suddenly spawns a hammer and nails out of thin air and bounces over to a building, building a sturdy foundation around the preexisting one. Afterwards, he strolls back over casually.)

GOLF BALL: Success! Now that it's settled, I want everybody to grab one bottle of pills each from the wheelbarrow.

FRIES: I still have my doubts, but I'd rather my garden doesn't get crushed by falling buildings.

NEEDLE: (Everybody grabs a bottle of pills from the wheelbarrow, including myself. Well, except for Flower.)

FLOWER: No way! I don't want these to ruin my fabulous petals.

PIN: Flower! If you take these pills, they'll probably make your petals super shiny and pretty. You never knooow.

FLOWER: Oh, that makes sense.

COINY: Great job, Pin! I know that I can always count on you!

PIN: Aw, that was nothing.

NEEDLE: ..If you two are done, we should probably take the pills now. (Everybody pops one into their mouth, suddenly feeling much more energetic.)

PIN: Haha, these make my limbs feel more tingly than before!

TENNIS BALL: Come on, everybody, we need to start building protection for the buildings!

GOLF BALL: You can find building equipment in the abandoned shops, now get to work!

GELATIN: I better be getting paid for this..

COINY: Don't worry, I'm the paycheck.

NEEDLE: (Pin starts hysterically laughing as we all run inside shops to grab whatever we can use to build, like woodboards and screwdrivers. It wasn't THAT funny.)

PIN: Oh, Coiny, your jokes are priceless!

NEEDLE: Honestly, he needs to change his sense of humor. (Both of them stop to look at me.) Get it? Money- That's called change-

COINY: We should start building.

NEEDLE: (The two of them start building, creating defenses around buildings pretty quickly. I help as well, but it's hard to focus. Did I.. do something wrong?)

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