Ch01: Where Mistakes Are Made.

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It was cold, and it was dark... The winds of winter were freezing. There is a war currently going on around the world for years and more to come.

Somewhere inside a laboratory, many machines were held. Prototypes of some sort, capable of combat. A group of anthro scientists were being toured around the place. They stopped in front of one currently being manufactured as they speak.

Guide: "And here's how we make them! Since we're producing a lot of these, they're not fully mechanical since we will run out of resources if we do so."

Scientist: "What are they made of? It looks like flesh."

Guide: "You are correct, these are made of artificial flesh and metal. Based on a species we've discovered years ago. It works like any normal living being would. It has a digestive system, nervous system, etcetera. But these also have the mind of a robot, they will not feel emotions, disobey, and does not make room for any errors."

The prototype was finished and then sent off to another room which connects the prototype to a computer to program its AI. The scientists took notes before proceeding with the tour. They proceed with the tour, one of the scientists bumps into an anthro rabbit who was carrying a box full of parts.

Rabbit: "Ah- sorry!"

The rabbit picks the pieces up one by one and put it back in the box, after everything else was put back they pick up one last item which was a USB. They got up and brought the items to a room. Greeted by another anthro, who was a wolf.

Wolf: "Got the parts?"

Rabbit: "Yeah."

The rabbit closes the door behind them, making the room dark. The wolf flicks a couple switches, turning on lights inside a tube which was filled with green tinted liquid. There was a prototype inside the tube, but they looked unique from the rest. It's head was like a normal visor but with a mouth visible at all times, it had a green and purple color scheme instead of the usual prototype colors which was blue and grey.

The rabbit assembles a tail using the parts, it resembled a scorpion's which is used to inject venom into their prey. They gently place it down on an empty table as the wolf uses a control panel to use a machine to connect the tail onto the prototype.

Wolf: "It's almost done, Prototype: NTx1. Now all we have to do is give it sentience so it performs better than the rest."

Rabbit: "But how does that help improve performance?"

Wolf: "With the ability to feel, it can feel rage, anger, and spite pushing it harder in combat. Perfect for this kind of prototype. Hand me the USB."

The rabbit hands over the USB with a little restraint and hesitation. This wasn't the first time they created a prototype like this and it could be the last if they mess up.

Rabbit: "Are you sure? What if it ends up like... Ex01..."

The wolf sighed and slammed their arm on the table, which was prosthetic. slightly angry but also sad after they heard the name of one of their older prototypes.

Wolf: "We agreed not to talk about or even mention Ex01... Besides. I've written the AI to be less like last time and much more stable than... Them."

The wolf inserts the USB into the panel and uploads it to the prototype. A loading bar shows up, slowly making progress.

Wolf: "Stay here and keep watch. I'll go grab us some coffee. And if anything goes wrong or doesn't look right, let me know.

The rabbit nods as the wolf exits the room. Patiently waiting for the AI to finish uploading.

This was only the beginning. The beginning of Mayhem and more to come.


hi its me the author speaking... Or writing in this case.

This is my second book in wattpad. And it might not be receiving a lot of updates since my first book is still in the making.

Anyways, few questions I'll answer first.

Q: "Where does this take place?"
A: Same universe where my first book took place. But on a different planet inhabited by guess what, furries. Woo!

Q: "Do I have to read the first book?"
A: No, this book is standalone. You can read it without any spoilers from the first book. Though the first book does contain a few references/mentions about this one and vice versa. Other than that you won't miss much... Or anything at all.

Q: "Gore?"
A: There will be some brutal descriptions in the later chapters. I'll be kind enough to give warnings at the start of each one. I don't know how graphic I can write them yet but we'll find out soon.

If you wanna ask more questions feel free to comment some and I'll answer!


...probably I think. No promises.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2023 ⏰

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Mechanical Mayhems (Might Start Working On This Soon...) Where stories live. Discover now